Practical JOKERS that cross the line!!!
TooTall 09-10-2008
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A handfull of grease on the door handle... ha,ha, you got me...

A nickle in the water hose nozzle... yeah did'nt fool me none!

Drain a guys water tank...You're ask'n for a stiff back-hand across the chops

Having a little fun is one thing. Making an operator LATE and costing the company $$$ is another. Think before you joke! There's a fine line, DONT cross it!

Mess with a mans pick-up and that may cost you a plain ole A$$ KICK'N !! no joke.                 Pump-Off !

Todd 09-10-2008
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Are they picking on you TooTall?

OE Local 3 09-10-2008
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How Tall Is Too Tall ?

yeah Ive seen some pretty good ones during my tenure as an Operator.


pudg 09-10-2008
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i have done some pretty good ones in my time but i have never done anything to postpone a job,me personally i like the never seize on the gear shift was my favorite,then the pto switch,then the outrigger valves then when poor fellow thinks its over you get him with it on the spray can but you better be ready for payback 

Nate 09-10-2008
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My favorite that was done to me was a dead fish in the heater vent... Oh yeah, and a condom full of whip cream on the gear shift.....

pudg 09-10-2008
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Too Tall,

Have they seen that big old gun you have?Seems to me these guys elevators might not be making it all the way to the top!

pudg 09-10-2008
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another good one,grease the inside of the sweatband in his hardhat,or a frog,lizard,non poisonous snake in rubber boots

mytfynsunshine 09-10-2008
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How bout the old dead cockroach on the keyboard. It happened today to "Babygirl" who works with me. No one has admitted to it yet, but we know...Oh we know. Jokesters...Was it you Ice or Slick Pak? Paybacks a b****. You guys better eat your wheaties tonight, cause tomorrow it's ON!!! LOL

cifa36z 09-10-2008
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funny stuff i got hit one day 20 degrees 700 am parked out side over night clown thought it would bee funny to hit the e-stop that night got to job e-stop frozen solid no hot water,breath not hot enough so only thing left was to pee on it not very funny at the time

gill 09-10-2008
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how bout the windshield washer hose rerouted under the bulldog. everybody likes to look at the dog

Bob 09-10-2008
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Now THAT is funny ;~)

Mudslinger 09-10-2008
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I had a carpenter give me a hard time once,so on Friday I crawled under his pickup with a 2' zip tie and zipped it to his driveline. It started making this funny noise when he was driving home in the rain. It only made the noise after about 45mph so he drove 60 miles real slow! On Monday he was telling the story to his buddys,when I brought out another zip tie! He said if it wasnt such a good practical joke he'd a kicked my butt

TooTall 09-10-2008
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My all time favorite...This is for the guys that fire up & go in the office to drink coffee for an hour. The nite before, Bleed ALL the air out of his air tanks. then go in the cab pull his air horn cable all the way out and paper-clip it so its stuck. About 2 minutes into his coffee a low howl starts to progressivly fill the air louder LOUDER & LOOUUDER wwWWAAAHHH!!! sit back & watch 'em run!!

bri 09-10-2008
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I had someone put a 5 inch clamp in my swing 90 not so funny.....Someone putting a gay magazine and hand lotion in your cab funny......Someone putting a dead cat with your remote box in his paws just plain sick

Many 09-10-2008
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Had a mixer driver (Dennis) for now LaFarge in the dog days of August roll up the cab windows and turn the heater on full blast.Mind you now my lunch was no longer a solid,mush comes to mind.

I did my best to get even but in 23 years it was not to be.Dennis retired and never got even,but I did get a smile.The day before his retirement some drivers got together,mmmm.They put a almost full bucket of water leaned aginst the drivers door.Dennis opened the door (1st round for day) and was drenched.

How I love those guys

only1putz 09-10-2008
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on a warm day, take a slick pack and sprinkle it on the hard hat sweat band and wait for them to keep rubbing it.... may turn a little red but it goes away .... or just dump a couple packets in a water tank for clean out

Raymond 09-10-2008
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...this one time, at band camp....

Mudslinger 09-11-2008
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The best one I know of was 2 mixer drivers trying to one up each other! 4 garbage bags full of styrofoam peanuts in the cab of one's pickup was pretty good...

WHO?? 09-11-2008
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One of my favorite,no harm no fouls,but still funny to me

A bottle of dish soap in the water tank!

I dont think that the greased handles and all that are funny and grease my hard hat,we are gonna have issue's

bisley57 09-11-2008
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 I like the air horn routine the best,of course a real operator would stay close to his truck wondering why all the air pressure was gone,although I do know a few guys I would try this on.Soap in the water tank is also a good idea,totally harmless.We don't do any practical jokes at our yard,I am the only person there.............