Problems after paint?
N.D.Fuccillo 09-24-2012
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Just got our schwing 39x painted. Having electrical problem. Think it's an e-stop or ground somewhere. Any suggestions or ideas???

Dont need one 09-24-2012
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 Well if it was sandblasted look everywhere. If it wasn't look everywhere no joke.

N.D.Fuccillo 09-24-2012
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Wasn't sandblasted. All sanded. Think the problem is in e-stop inside control panel box on passenger side. Grounded it and truck started to work then it wouldn't. Worked better on remote then manual panel in the rear. Plus pump wasnt stroking right when we were testing it?.?.

Beast 09-25-2012
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What year ?

b-alto 09-25-2012
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On my 02 schwing it goes from water box -left side rear-right side rear- to boom, then back to the computer. Start at the WB open up and check for 12 volts on both sides of hot (not any less then 12) then check ground for no resistance through ground switch. Work your way around the truck and check all the switches.

Yesterday, i had a fault at the start of a 130 yard pour with four trucks on the road.. "Oh boy" lucky i had my ohm meter and found a ground fault on the right rear. Got her working and did the job. Nothing like a little stress to start my day. No back up pumps where i live..

N.D.Fuccillo 09-25-2012
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It's a 2000...all the e-stops have over 13 volts. 

N.D.Fuccillo 09-25-2012
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Where r the grounds for e-stops? Just the one inside the switch or r their grounds for e-stops elsewhere?

N.D.Fuccillo 09-25-2012
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If this helps any....had to have someone help me use dump valves and hold outrigger lever so I could raise truck to finish painting

b-alto 09-25-2012
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Its a two switch system. One is 12 volts (the hot side) this has to go through all switches and back to the computer. Also there is another switch in each e stop for ground it runs a ground also from the computer through all and back. If there is any voltage drop (which happens with a corroded switch) it will shut it down. Or if you loose ground it will also do the same. You can also look for lights on in your computer box i'm no expert but make sure the three in the upper right hand corner are bright green i forget they're number but if they are a dull green you have a ground loss. You can and should call Schwing tech support they will walk you through it have your ohm voltage checker ready, and boxes open. Schwing tech support ask for tech support 651-429-0999.

b-alto 09-25-2012
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Did they take the yellow covers off when painting? if so the buttons get stiff and could be pushing in the the inner button.Take off the yellow covers and see if it works. Also i think the green lights are J 10-12.

gboom 09-25-2012
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disconnect each wire from the contact inside the e-stop (careful, dont get mixed up) and ohm them out. If you dont have 0 resistance, you need to replace the contact. If there are any signs of corrosion, replace them. schwing uses the brown wire as the hot wire, if that helps any

N.D.Fuccillo 09-25-2012
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Red light comes on box and it does the same with the bypass key and the e-stop blinks. They taped off all the e-stops

N.D.Fuccillo 09-25-2012
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Mechanic and I took all e-stops off. Rear two near outriggers and nex to water box were fine. Think it's one in main panel next to manual levers cause we took yellow switch off and there some moisture in there or some kind of grease. Think when they pressure washed tuck they got some water

Many 09-26-2012
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Might wanna check grate switch/wires,just sayin

gboom 09-26-2012
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he has a CPC control on his truck;

although to jump estops is common knowledge, you should be really careful giving advice on how to bypass safety features on equipment