PTO, Remote issue.
b-alto 05-15-2009
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I just bought a 01 32 xl schwing (CPC 2 remote system). love the machine its in very good condition. There is an issue with the PTO, remote, i've been trying to figure out. When you switch from local to remote the remote has to be turned on first e switch and all. If you push the e-switch you can't turn on the remote or local with out re pushing the PTO on and off.I talked to schwing and traced it in the cpc box. They think it may be the hopper switch isn't clearing. There's 4 wires in the hopper switch. 2 hot and 2 others, one for the aggitator shut off and one for the concrete pump. They said the #2 wire thats hot is suppose to go to the concrete pump and not be hot. # 1 is?

pumper chuck 05-16-2009
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lets get this strait,every time the e-stop is pushed /activated or the battery dies you have to get in cab and reset the pto? that sucks.have you tried the e-stop override/by-pass to make sure its working properly. if so someone has wired the power switch backwards for the pto. instead of separate circuit its run together with e-stop.the fun is trying to find where.good luck. 

b-alto 05-16-2009
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Yeah three four times a job. Where's the over ride switch? is it the key in the tool box? I just got this pump so I'm still learning. I had an 90 28 meter for the last 5 yrs. I'm not sure the pto is wired back wards but will check. The guy I bought it from said its always done this? also I could reset it it the box or do the pto thing. Very good points though. Sing sing at schwing the electric expert, is working on a diagnose for me he thinks hot is going to the wrong wire at the hopper switch? The pumps clean and hadn't had any goofs working on it, (good thing). But may be a e- wire got crossed?

biged 05-16-2009
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Brian didn't someone tell you to get a PUTZ lol.

Wing 05-16-2009
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Whats your e-mail address

b-alto 05-16-2009
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TooTall 05-16-2009
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 Sounds like someone has tried to bypass the hopper grate switch the wrong way?

 The switch kills the aggitator, the pump and should also dump the accum. pressure. 

b-alto 05-17-2009
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Wings been helping me, sent schematics. When ever the E-stops are pushed it won't re boot off b lock on the remote with out re pto setting. I've eliminated the wire remote and back panel.The wires and switches on the hopper look good. The e status light is blinking #1 on the door panel. I wonder why it doesn't re boot after the e is pushed back in?

murf 05-17-2009
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have you a cut out switch on the rear bend or was there a switch that someone has removed?

bisley57 05-17-2009
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Is there a stepping relay that is not working properly somewhere in the system,maybe by taking the power off and then re-applying it works fine.Not real familiar with Schwings but is there a main e-stop relay?If so it would be quite large like 2"x3".

b-alto 05-17-2009
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Seems like my rear e-switch by the back panel isn't functioning? I just put it in local on and pushed the e-switch and no stop light appeared on the rear panel? When I push e on the remote the e works just doesn't shut off. I'm going to investigate the rear e- switch.

b-alto 05-17-2009
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My E-Stops don't work I just fired it up engaged the aggitator hit the e-stop and nothing. WTF? I'm sure it has something to do with the remote e not shutting off? It does work on the remote just won't shut off.

b-alto 05-17-2009
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Checked the e-switches. The wires are grouped on each side must be bypassed. Four wires two hots and two loads?