Pump companys bearing gifts
Wildbill83 01-29-2013
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Pumpers beware...what can you do to warn others of bad companies to go to work for  not allowed to bash anybody....can list them on glassdoor.com ??...  all i'm sayin is that there are some that have high turnovers and some put out thousands of dollars to move only to be crapped on...company I was working with went thru 6 new employees before I was the last...I guess talk privately and maybe some of these will change there evil ways...ok, now I've entered fantasyLand...lol

putz63 01-29-2013
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My two cents.........I move my whole family for the job that I have now and it worked out real well for us.  But my last employer taught me a few important lessons.   1...always get it in writing. 2. Make sure that you have a very clear line of commutation btw your expat ions and what the employers are willing to do!...3. Find a way to talk to a few employees first. 4.  Always get moving expense money up front.  5!!!!!!ALWAYS GET IT IN WRITING,,,,,,,,.

putzman1975 01-29-2013
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hey wildbill i to was let go after i gave it my all i talk to you on the phone i left iowa and now in n c for the better iwish we could tell yours and mine ex boss to warn others.