pump op..cookout
pumper chuck 04-25-2009
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sorry bout other dis.no top.well anyway hello everyone ,been a while still read but no replys. anyway how did the first annual pumper fest,or picnic turn out?                               

ruck 04-25-2009
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Where was it?

pumper chuck 04-28-2009
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dont know,just know it was in the works last year.

ShortBus 04-28-2009
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...Oh I wish you could've been there!!  It was epic!!  Jack and Dale brought the beer--  Les brought the burgers and dogs--  Skip and Steve took turns on the BBQ--  and Richard O'Brein sat there and told them all they were doing it wrong:  The meat wasn't grade A choice, the beer was cheep (and in cans), and the chicken was under done!!!

The 'connect-4' and 'Scrabble' tournaments were a big hit!  We were going to grease a pig and have the kids try and catch it-- but we had no pig and had to improvise.  We greased up a pit-bull instead.  Hind-site being 20/20, maybe that wasn't the best idea...but I hear little Skyler healed up just fine and the scar is barely even noticable.

There were only 2 fights - but one of them technically started in another pic-nic area and flowed into ours so I guess there was only 1 fight.

Hopefully this years' BBQ will be even better and with a bigger turn out.


Pump N00b 04-28-2009
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Hahaha. Sounds like my kind of BBQ.

BTW, anyone tried this?
Bacon Salt