pump pricing?
rick5z 11-23-2010
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what do you think is fair pricing for a 41 meter 1/2 and whole day rental, overtime rates and or flow charge... my boss is looking to put his own pump out for rent, up until now it has only been using for his own jobs.

Many 11-23-2010
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Your location helps dictate pricing,cost of living.A guesstimate? $160-$180 4hr min plus some sort of travel (am) plus say 2.50 a yd pumped.Afternoon stuff time on job plus an hr travel + yardage (local).Different parts of the country have different protocals,union/non-union and such.Like I said a big variation accross the land,not counting price cutting by compitition.

Rut 11-24-2010
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Check out the following link: http://www.concretepumpers.com/cgi-bin/htmlos.cgi/001473.1.3463546501733146820 The ACPA now has a cost calculator that you can input your various expenses into and calculate how much you should charge in order to cover your costs or even turn a profit. You should look into it, we have found it extremely helpful in bidding and pricing our work.

PourItOut 11-24-2010
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Hello Rick,,,   Hard Market out there,,, a lot of cut throats,,,   wish you the best,,,  price em smart and make money,, Pour It Out