Munir | 05-01-2008 | comment profile send pm notify |
I have seen that in USA and CANADA that wile pump puming the front tyres are always more above from the ground.While we here in KUWAIT before were doing the same but later we found that it direct effect on as it vibrates cabin , engine & gear hence we stopped doing so, we keep up the tyres but very little all load is on jack but only tyres on the ground to stop the vibration. So coud any body please guide me in this thing is it a suiteable to keep the tyres very up or not. thank you (munir from Kuwait ) |
Bob | 05-01-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
As far as I am concerned, you are doing the set-up correctly. I do not like to see the tires off of the ground either. |
Many | 05-01-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Hi Munir I reallt don't know where that all started or when.The only time I ever jacked riggers that far was when conditions said so. I'm with Bob |
Rich c | 05-11-2008 | reply profile send pm notify |
Guys, It all depends on the job! I always pick my tires up. Only to get my hoper low, I hate shoveling mud up LOL. If your facing up hill? Don't do it. I have only ran 2 pumps that had to have there tires down. The pump would want to fall on its face. I run everything there is 22m to 63m. Its all about the set up! I once seen a operator that had all his tires off the ground on flat ground LOl I ask him why? He told me that the person that trained him said to. LOL LOL He need a ladder to just get to the first step on his pump. Rich |