Pumpco question
Wildbill83 11-05-2009
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OK, this may be a dumb question, but I've been out of the loop for a while, not pumping concrete anymore, but do visit the site occasionally.....what happened to pumpco nationwide ??  I saw a few posts about auctions and stuff but never got the full story...did Les and Jimmy finally give it up or what happened ???  guess i cant go back to texas and get my old job back if I wanted to....unfortunately, pumpings in my blood (dad and uncle in chicago), been there for 40 years.....by my luck I'll be runnin a pump again some day if the chips fall right....thanks for any info, just curious

BIG PAPA PUMP 11-05-2009
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 As i heard it they fell victim to the economy.

TooTall 11-05-2009
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 Now there's a Pumpco "Lybia"!

ShortStik 11-06-2009
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theres still pumpco part

Many 11-06-2009
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Pumpco fell victim to it's own demise,more like an involitaty liquidation.Pumpco parts was purchased by another company,as the stories told.

Couldn't have happend to nicer people.

tebequip 11-06-2009
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Pumpco closed the doors. Sold the parts to a guy in Canada. Protech?? Terry Holmes I believe.

Now has an operation in Libya and is brokering used pumps

Many 11-06-2009
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Thanks for the clarification,sometimes the brain isn't to good.

Wildbill83 11-06-2009
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Thanks, was just curious....he always seemed to be teetering on the edge when I worked there years ago.  They were pretty cheap about things sometimes.  I worked for Jeff Rice in dallas and he was pretty good to work for.  Les was another story.  There was an old joke going around that if him and my uncle found a quarter glued to the floor, they'd race each other to get a scraper to get it off the floor.

Many 11-06-2009
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Wrong thought process,LCS would detain your uncle and have Jimmy get it while distracted.Anything outside of them 2 was bearable.

bigstick 11-06-2009
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No Many, you got it all wrong, they would say they would pay you twenty-five dollars an hour to get the quarter off the floor.  The job would take two hours, they would screw you out of the two hours work, after that somehow they would steal the quarter from you. 

Knowing these two are gone makes me a little more proud of the profession I have chosen.

Did I mention I'm glad thier gone?

I wonder if they will try to shit people out of money in Lybia?  I hope so!  Because in a muslim country if you get caught stealing, they cut your hand off.


biged 11-07-2009
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Todd I was only playing with you this was not a mean thing did you think it was

Todd 11-07-2009
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no not at all. I was just kidding around myself. I believe Les deserves any crap he gets. you guys know he is still working in this industry. Now he is selling used pumps. LOL he is not doing it with me in case your wondering.

biged 11-07-2009
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It was a very bad thing to happen no with the owner mainly the employee's hate for them, I foubd out that it wasn't his call because he had sold out 4 years ago to some east coast business group and they were tired of losing money and said it had to stop cause area's were needing more money to repair pumps and they said no more,that why so many of the pumps at the auctions were in such bad shape.  PS  I never met Les its like this if you don't like the industry wait til tomorrow it will change.