Put our Link on your site and your google ranking will go up.
Todd 01-10-2011
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Its true, if you put ConcretePumping.com link on your web page then you will move up on the google ranking and google ranking is what places your web site above your competitors.

If you place our link on your web site we will place your link on http://www.PumpingCompanies.com whether you are a pump company or a manufacturer we will place you as a sponsor for free.

Here is a link to our logo page http://www.concretepumping.com/dictionary/index.php/ConcretePumping.com_logo

Email me once our link is up and we will place your link up on our site. Call me if you have any questions.

Todd 805 659-3437

Schwinger 01-10-2011
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Hey Todd,  my site was down for a bit but now it is back up with your link.  arcoconcreteservice.com
