Put your Mark on the Map, our new Maps page is in beta, be the first to put up your location.
Todd 10-09-2008
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On the top of the page under the Big Reed Banner is a link called Maps it is in Beta now but fully useable. If you want your location to be on the map then go to your profile and click on Manage which is located in your new map profile section of your profile. Add your location than view map in your personal map. Then check out the map page look at the sponsors and the user map. We will be adding a function soon were you can all your jobs and it will tag it a different color.

Please be one of the first owners or operators to be on the map. Let me know if this is easy or way to hard to do. We are using standard Google search procedures.

Well let me know what you think. Lets do some tagging ok.


Todd 10-09-2008
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Come on guys, i need a everyone to do this if posible. Ok well just a few of you for now. I am testing this out.

mytfynsunshine 10-10-2008
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Not to sound stupid but a few of us are lost. My profile doesn't have anywhere that says manage map..? I see where the map is supposed to be and it says map, satellite, hybrid. Zoom in, Zoom out buttons..so I zoom into Richmond, but it doesn't save it. Please help. Thanks.

Todd 10-10-2008
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whats your phone # i will call you and help you.

Todd 10-10-2008
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Sorry People, I know you tried to do it but i just found out everyones profile is not updated, i will take care of this by monday, i hope anyway.

Todd 10-10-2008
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Ok guys its fixed please try it now.

Todd 10-11-2008
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Paul and Blair i love you guys. You made my day. Thanks so much for putting up your tags, Its sooo cool to see were your at. I now feel like I know you guys even more now.

Thanks so much oh and Blair you were the first one, good job.

Todd 10-11-2008
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West coast guys are just kicking ass so far, lol

The Cat 10-11-2008
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hi todd..i know your trying you best ...well done... but when i go my profile page the map section is just blank..help

Todd 10-11-2008
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Hey Cat, were the map is under it does it say Mange and View Maps, click on Manage and than put your address in.

Todd 10-11-2008
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Sweet job Marco, were is that your yard?

Todd 10-11-2008
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Sweet Marco, nice yard, that looks so cool. LOL i am so excited. Holly cow I am way to into this stuff. lol

The Cat 10-11-2008
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hi todd.....just added my location...seems i needed to adjust my cookies settings for some reason..well done again

Todd 10-11-2008
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Sweet, nice job thecat, very cool. I am stiting here just loving it. Very cool

Todd 10-11-2008
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Wow pochin, nice yard, lots of concrete, i feel like i have been there before.

The Cat 10-11-2008
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hi todd..is there any way we can tagg picture's to location's on the maps to show where the job's are we've been doin???

Todd 10-11-2008
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Not yet cat, but dont worry we will do that. Just put up your yard or your home for now. We will use a different tag for jobs that you been on ok. So dont start putting up your jobs as of yet. Next week sometime i hope to have the jobs part done so you can add all your jobs. What will happen is if someone clicks on you than your address will show up with a tag and all your jobs will show up with a different color tag. Give me another week and it will be up.

Todd 10-11-2008
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Very cool Brundage Bone Portland is now on the map, very very cool. Good job. Very nice yard. Man You BB guys really do have your act together.

Todd 10-11-2008
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remember only members can add locations so if your not a member and you want on the map please join and get your tag on. lol

Raymond 10-11-2008
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I got BB in there...but I'm just trying to figure out how to add other locations.  I've tried to add Hooter's, Starz and Pop-a-Top but I can't figure it out yet...but I will...

pink panther 10-11-2008
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I think this is a good idea so everyone can check out other terrain. I am not too sure on putting different jobs on here. That could make for a lot of clutter on here depending on how it is set up. Maybe put a limit on how many jobs can be added. Plus the map is about 2 years old, by looking at the suv in my driveway. New jobs would not show up.

Todd 10-11-2008
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Bob is that a pool in your back yard?

Todd 10-11-2008
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Good job ICE

pink panther 10-12-2008
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Wow, when I put my marks on here yesterday there was only 2. Now there are a lot in user and sponsor sections. That's cool. Great job putting this together Todd.

Go-To 10-13-2008
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Hi Todd. I put my house on the map. It was easy. I would like to know about pump jobs in Tampa. If I ever decide to move there. Haven't been on the site for a while but when I was first starting out, the input in got from everyone was very usefull. Thanks

Todd 10-14-2008
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I dont Know anything about tampa. Sorry.

Hey guys check out all the companies now on the use map page. Very cool.

Bob 10-14-2008
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Florida is closed for a while. They were going great guns and then someone turned off the switch.

Todd 10-14-2008
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wow i think we have 118 or so tags on the members area. Its growing fast.

Raymond 10-14-2008
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How do they do it?



Todd 10-14-2008
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How do they do what? I dont understand what your asking Ray

Raymond 10-14-2008
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how do they pack all the pumps into that little yard.  They're packed in like sardines!   Hmm 

Todd 10-15-2008
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JLS Gardena lol you are right that is crazy. First guy in is always last guy out from how it looks. JLS Ventura has tons of room. Looks like the sat. picture took place when all the pumps were out.

Todd 10-15-2008
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127 user locations so far not so bad.


Check out the sponsors adn the user maps


Todd 10-18-2008
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We now have 170 map tags up.

only1putz 10-23-2008
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i thought i had entered the correct info on the manage portion a while ago but the map isn't reflecting that.... can i get back to the manage section to correct this? thanks for your help