Putz gremlins
38zman 10-13-2007
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MMmm I have a problem I operate a 2007 Putz 36 z now on thursday I am pumping along and it stops stroking... just stops for no reason. I check everything and I mean everything and was on the phone with tech support and did a few manual strokes and then it started to work again..... Well finished the day.

Now yesterday

I set up as normal go to prime and it sounds like it plugged tried to work it back and forth  and figure I would suck a ball and reprime I manages to get about 2m through it and again it sounded like it plugged again but the concrete was fine about a 5 inch slump and fresh anyway sucked a ball again a reprimed again same situation sucked a ball again and dumped the hopper and was looking for pre cast seen nothing I cleaned it out completely.

Ok so I primed again got a few strokes past the prime and again it sounded like a plug but you can hear it moving through the pipe anyway I sucked a ball and washed again and called for another pump.

I get back to the yard set up filled up my hopper with water and ran it around the 100th stroke same thing sounded plugged and I am pumping water only Now I have checked everything the panel the proxsimity sensers even looking at the led on the valve bank All the pressures are in spec I am getting power all the way through the system. I man stroke a few times and it works for a while and same thing my pipes are clean no build up anywhere in them

I am thinking the valve bank where it switchs back and forth has a issue but this pump has 450 e hrs on and 75 stroke hrs and is maintaned to the hilt The company I work for do not cheap out on anything.... I mean anything.

Also the other pump we have that is a Putz same as what I operate has had this happen to but it appears it cleared up on its own.

I thought that maybe there was some dirt in the Hydraulics but we filter our oil before it goes in and it is a closed system so I am ruling that out What are the odds that 2 brand new pumps have the same thing happen except one seems to have cleared up on its own and the one I operate is getting worse.

Has anyone else had this happen and if so what did you do to fix it.

One other thing when we first got the pump I was on site and the boom stopped it would not move then it did  but the 4th or D stopped so I pumped a 50m wall with only 3 working sections  I could only operate it manualy then it started to work again I have not had that issue since that day.


Any help would be great

greedy 10-13-2007
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 sounds like timing needs ajusting on the self correcting system i had a simluar problem with my 07 52m putz some times phaze out half way or at the start of a load i could be three floors up and the pump would just stop and sound as tho it was blocked in the end i had the self correcting turned off open up main control panel you will see the silver fronted moduels undo the screwws that hold it in mine is the first one on the left pull out the circit board there should be a small dial in blue with 0-3on it turn it to 0 and try that if it works then you will have to get putzmeisters to drill out the throttles out in the pumping rams to get rid of it completley

Pump Monkey 10-13-2007
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have you already tried hooking up the pig-tail by-pass piece that came with the truck? Its a little pig-tail that you hook the proxy switches into in order to by-pass one set of switches. It will tell you if one side of switches are bad. Take either 1 and 3 or 2 and 4 out of the proxy switch box, the yellow box near the top of the diff. cylinders, and hook them into the pig-tail. hook the other end of the pig tail up to the proxy switch box. then pump awhile, if everything works, try the other side, either 1 and 3, or 2 and 4, which ever side you didn't check yet. If you can't seem to get things working properly when by-passing the proxy switches, then the next thing you need to check is the little yellow relay inside the computer box. It will be on the controller card that operates the stroking system. If you have the new system, I believe there will be 2 of these little yellow relays. Replace them, they tell the pump when to switch over, and the S-tube to switch. If you have the Enterprise system, the old style Putz. system, there will be only one yellow relay.

greedy 10-13-2007
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  the little yellow boxes are what we call step relays in the old putzs the relay was in a clear plastic box with four contacts and a little sprocket type wheel these were superseadid by the yellow ones on the newer putzs had a putz 4 section over head roll and that used to eat those yellow realys two a month but when thay burnt out it would not change over at all be carfull when you put the yellow realys back in thr circit board as the small fingers at the back of them they bend very easly

Any Pump 10-13-2007
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I had a similiar problem to this while I was operating one of our putz 36m booms it kept going into faze after about 7 or 8 strokes and wouldn't come out unless you hit the stroke change switch. Our mechanic adjusted the automatic fazing in dial which adjusts the timing in which it will self faze this seemed to help the problem for a few weeks then it started happening again. I shortly came off the machine and it went back to our main depot to be sorted out not quite sure what they did to cure it but if you symptoms are the same I could ask them for some pointers. 

38zman 10-15-2007
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Thanks for the info and the replies  I hope to get this figured out Monday morning....

pudg 10-15-2007
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