putz outrigger problem
super pumper 01-18-2010
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hey anyone had a problem on thier putz rear swing outrigger cylinder not wanting to move its on a 2000 32 metre pressures up but does not want to move any ideas?

38zman 01-18-2010
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I have never had any trouble with rear but on ocassion with my front ones have you tried puting a small amount of downward pressure on them and then trying to move them they could just be frozen or maybe you have some crap floating around in your hudraulics and it has settled in that control  does it happen all the time and when you add oil do you filter it as it goes in your tank

Many 01-18-2010
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Travelteck 01-18-2010
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It can be a cylinder or Valve issue. try swapping the hoses for the front Telescoping and the rear if that helps you could have an issue in the hand valve if not it might be a cylinder issue.

There is a check assembly that can also be stuck or damaged, It is mounted on top of the cylinder. This is a safety check. Check with the factory before you mess with it, think of it as a holding valve for the outrigger.

You can contact me at woodsa@putzam.com

Or call 800 890 0269 to get help from the Customer Support Group


Boom Inspector 01-18-2010
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Travelteck, you always got the best responses to questions like this . Ever consider a job teaching . LOL Glad to see you on here more and more, as always when you speak I listen.

Granddad 01-20-2010
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     How cold is it?  Do park inside or out?  What weight of oil do you run?  If its say -15 celsius and you left the machine outside with say hyd oil in the 40 to 60 weight range you will have to let her warm up minimum 1/2 hour before anything will want to move.  The number of operators that have called me over the same problem would amaze you.