oly 04-22-2012
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Our 47 meter has a hiccup in its strokes. Will shift nice and smooth then it will stroke up to far on passenger side cylinder which comes with a bang. Its pulling it up approximately 4 inches higher.It doesn't do it every time counted 16, 22, 24, 3 strokes thinking it was a timed occurance. What would be causing this? Lights on prox switches are lit  green and yellow as it cycles. We are still new to this truck as we have  only had Schwings up until this unit.

lucky phil 04-22-2012
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Best bet would be to have a talk to Travelteck or whole9yards in the site advisers section on the left.

zuat150 04-22-2012
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silly question did you time the cylinders?

oly 04-22-2012
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We were counting strokes to see if it happened at a certain number. It kind of did it when ever.

Goose2448 04-22-2012
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Are you sure the hopper is full of mud?  I know when the drivers are sleeping and it sucks a bit of air it sounds and feels like a short stroke.

FunnyBoom 04-22-2012
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it needs put into time... 

oly 04-22-2012
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How do you time it ?

Goose2448 04-22-2012
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Time with a stop watch how many strokes per min at full pressure and rpm.  You can also time each stroke, when it switches to the next time it switches.  Those numbers should be in your TM.

FunnyBoom 04-22-2012
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Pressure out the drivers side cylinder by using the changeover circuit. When the drivers side rod is all the way up at the end of its stroke in the water box hold the changover switch on the remote which will cause the cylinder to pressure the rest of the way out. Allow it to pressure for a couple seconds and hit the changeover switch again to release it. This should smooth it out and stop the banging.

parris 04-22-2012
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Don't pay attention to any of the posts above.  With your new putz you have electric stroking, nothing like a Schwing.  You most likely have a proximity switch which is starting to go bad.  I think you said it does it sporatically when the pass side is in the waterbox.  If you have 4 switches, then most likely one of the two at the top of the pass diff cylinder is starting to go bad.  If you have 6 switches, then most likely one of the two on the driver side diff cylinder is starting to go bad.  If it's intermittent, then just unplug one of them, pump a job, and if it happens then plug it back in and unplug the other.  If it is still happening, then it is possible that the pair stroking the opposite side are not unlatching all the way every time (this is a far more rare way to break but it does happen).  Unplug one at a time on the side the controls the opposite stroke (the 2 at the bottom of the pass diff).  If the problem is still happening, then I would take a good look at the distributor box (the box the wires all go to on the pass side of the hydraulic brain). 

Also, it could possibly be the k238 relay, but since it always happens on the pass side diff, I'm guessing it isn't.  K238 would usually goof you up on either side, also the stroke change would not make it shift over if it were the K238 relay.  Do you have to mess with the stroke change switch, or does it always shift right when you hit it?

Travelteck 04-23-2012
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Oly, you have 6 Proximity switches; there are a couple things to check.

The 2 ball valves at the end of the cylinders need to be Open. If you have changed the mud cylinders lately they might still be closed from doing the mud cylinder change, and need to be open to Pump and keep the loop oil corrected. Also make sure the lock discs under the valve handle has been installed and not lost, they can vibrate closed

The other point to check is the Proximity switches, this unit will force stroke correction every 1 minute, it might pressure out for a short time, the length of time could be from very quick to a few seconds depending on the amount of oil needing to be corrected. It is possible it is just doing what it is supposed to do. How long is the pressure delay? 5 seconds or more?

You can call me and we can talk more about it if this helps

360 600 5695.

mrpumpy 04-24-2012
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way to go travelteck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oly 04-24-2012
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Thanks for the information everybody. Traveltech you are a valuable source to have available to us,I really appreciate your help. Thanks again OLY. By the way I spoke with you on the phone Monday evening before you replied to this. I think we have it figured out now. Just trying to figure everything out with this pump.

Dont need one 04-24-2012
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 Travel tech is right, we have had the same problem.

SUPERDOFFER 05-05-2012
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If you want to have pleasure working whit your Putz. Learn how the computer display works. 99.9% of the time it works fine in the normal setup but there are occasions that you have to fool the system. For example by pumping real slow the proxi switches have to ‘see’ the mudcups every 20sec. if not the the pump stops. If you cross of the proxi switches in front the pump keep cycling