QCLNG Tank Curtis Island Queensland Australia
pumpslut 07-22-2013
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Final Roof Pour on Tank B at QCLNG

2500 cubic metres poured over 5 days with 3 putz MX 42-5 with 3 BSA 2109's.

All without a single hitch.

pumpslut 07-22-2013
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Pumped by Meales Concrete Pumping

ShortStik 07-22-2013
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right on, looks like that project is coming to a close.  remember seeing pic of it when still working on the walls.

Todd 07-23-2013
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You must be the Pumpcrete of Australia, looks like you get all the really cool jobs like Pumpcrete does.

cretepumper2 07-23-2013
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Christie 07-27-2013
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You must be the "Pumpcrete of Australia"  In western Canada that could be considered  an insult.