QUESTION = need answers
Bob 07-30-2008
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What would it take for YOU to purchase a new machine from an unknown mfg'?

Belay the obvious answer of a better economic future.

What would a new company need to do in order to sell you a pump?

This is a real question.


Bob ;~)

Seed 07-30-2008
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GIVE ME ONE! If I can make money with it! You bet your A#! I will toss it right back to them!! My word is GOOD! But if all the boom pipe falls off. They are the ones who are paying!!!


Bob 07-30-2008
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[have not been around lately, welcome back]

So what you are looking for is a no/low down lease with purchase option after a given time?

Or a demo' pump to purchase after proof of worth?

Seed 07-30-2008
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Demo! I like any thing that pays for itself! Nobody minds paying for what ever it is making the money!


I would buy a PUTZ!~


Bob 07-31-2008
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How about the rest of you?

Munir 07-31-2008
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Mr. Bop,


If I buy new machine then I want to compare that with all other machine for every thing.

I ignore price but never ignore different of new machine from other machine.

Thank you.



LW 07-31-2008
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I'll bite, however from the point of veiw of a body builder choosing the chassis. I look for engineering back up and the potential to efficiently exchange info with that particular supplier. I guess that pretty well completely excludes Mack then.


typesdubs 07-31-2008
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When someone makes a better valve than the rock, I'll entertain their pump.

Bob 07-31-2008
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I just received an email answer to my question. The answer was:



pretty good answer !

pudg 07-31-2008
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I'm with Seed show me they will stand the test of time and I am in, but its hard to invest so much on the unknown,you take chances with what you know,the person that invests in the unknown in my opinion is the fool,but I'm not a gambling man so thats just my take.I here alot of good things about some of the in my opinion  up and coming manufacturers,like Alliance and Concord some of the others not so good again show me there safe,reliable,profitable machines and I'd try one maybe even two 

Granite Pumping 07-31-2008
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I guess I think different,

What I look for is innovation. I think basic thinking restrains the possiblity of providing somthing better.

If someone has the "balls"(KCP 60m tower boom) to step outside the box I would give them a chance. If companies didn't try new things we would still be using bag cell phones.

Tried and true isn't alway's the best approach.

The companies out there build great equipment. But it's the small companies that move our society ahead with taking a new approach.

I think we can't alway's compare new things against old ones. Technology is changing so quickly How do you compare a 2008 to a 1998 very little is the same anymore.

If they are the same the company is choosing not to upgrade with better products.

I've only been pumping for approx 7yrs. When I started a 36m was the "big" pump in our area. Now a 36m boom is to small our 52m is becoming TO SMALL. I was asked last week if we where going to invest in a 65m.

But this is only an opinion and has no acual fact base.



Granite Pumping 07-31-2008
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Oh and I looking for short term leases until the economy stabilizes. Demo thing is a good idea. I a perfect world they would offer no interest financing like the auto industry.

Don't wake me from my dream unless you have