Quiet in Australia
lucky phil 11-14-2011
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Work has died right back in Melbourne, hope it's just the wet weather!

PUMBO 11-15-2011
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1. The Australian economy showing two consecutive negative growth quarters = technically in recession.

2. The CPAA advertising that work is booming in Melbourne to all of Australia = a sudden flood of pumps from interstate companies to Melbourne.

3. House prices overinflated = houses not selling as they used to, builders surplus tied in bricks and mortar sitting for sale means slow down.

4. Factor in european crisis that will affect Australia, and the dollar weakening against the greenback.

5. A labour government = FULL OF SHIT.

This is only the beggining.

Todd 11-15-2011
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We here in America have learned to be better prepaired. Some of the smartest thing I have seen pump companies do is stock up on parts, reorganise and learn how to spend less. Might be something to think about.

kiwi 11-15-2011
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lucky phil

mate its been slow in uk for last three years, and not looking to get any better, at the moment

same old story if you have work you can pay the bills i just take one day at a time as theres always someone that will under cut you lost four or five jobs just lately where i have been under cut i would sooner stay at home than go out and under cut any body so far i am avg- ing 20 jobs per month so must be doing something right

hang in there bro it will come right in the end????

lucky phil 11-15-2011
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This quiet patch has worked in well as it happens, got an in chassis rebuild new air compressor and fixed all the little odds and ends that needed doing. But your right pumpbo i have seen a hell of alot of pumps arrive in melb over the last 6 months, and cut the price hard!

PUMBO 11-15-2011
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You cannot cut the price without compromising your maintenance schedule. It's as simple as that.