Rain and more Rain
biged 05-05-2009
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We got rain in our forecast just about everyday for the next 10 days,building sites are get muddy is anybody else facing this ,I when to Kentucky Lake Shellcracker fishing today the lake was up over 3  ft from last Wed fishing was bad rather been pumping mud.

RAM03 05-05-2009
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not that bad here. about every other day though. just enough to screw up the job sites. poured today though got my 6x6s stuck in the georgia red clay had to pry them out with a shovel. rain in the forecast for tommorow and friday. yay!

Slinger 05-05-2009
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No rain here to speak of since friday. Calling for rain thursday and showers on friday, then sunny(ish) until monday. We could use the rain though, my new grass seed needs a boost.

bri 05-06-2009
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The rain hasnt slowed my little 28z down a bit. Hoping for a day off I am sick as hell. Need a day to sleep and recoup.

biged 05-06-2009
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It rain over an inch last night and was raining this morning so one of our plants didn't bring any driver then about 10:am it quit and that was the plant I was to use today, so will try tomorrow not suppose to rain.