Todd | 06-12-2014 | comment profile send pm notify |
Pull up to the job doing two lots but the finishers started tailgating the first one so paid to sit and wait then a driver pulls up and fills my hopper with out priming out yet so i dumped it to get water in it then he refuses to clean it up....... oh well concrete companys getting a clean up bill
thinksnow | 06-12-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
thats why we love those prime ports! never had worry about that! good luck with the billing of ready mix company |
zack | 06-12-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
When ever I have that happen I just put water on top of tbe concrete stroke the pump in reverse to get it mixed nice and wet Then prime it right out works every time |
topgun | 06-13-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Try it with 1800 lbs of 1 1/2 crushed lime stone with some manufactured in it and then let us know how it works out.... |
8inchslump | 06-13-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
wow .... not a very smart move kid all you needed to do was prime the hose your hose is an emergency prime port your smart enough to know that the mud will go right through the pump and clear the reducer good luck with your clean up bill next time try not to freak out and make rash decisions kills me you new guys have so much trouble thinking your way out of a problen instead you just panic and do the wrong thing your job is about way more themn that pump just pushint the mud into a plug next time step back and think about how you can overcome a problem instead of just acting for the sake of doing something |
8inchslump | 06-13-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
22 hours later and NO ONE could tell you to prime directly into the hose sad commentry right there todd even you should have know that one |
zuat150 | 06-13-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
HAHA 8inchslump its a boom pump! sad commentary right there believe it or not there is life beyond a trailer pump fool |
Ne-max | 06-13-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Not worth the risk of being a hero. OP did the right thing. If you dont feel comfortable with priming with no slurry then dont risk it |
Rookie | 06-13-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
That happens to me all the time. As a joke, i,really play the world is coming to an end scenario for a while. pretend to be on the phone to the boss of the machine, which is me! Let the driver get some what concerned, then open the back end and put some water in the transition, and prime like any other day! I some times play that card on purpose, to the newbie redi mix drivers. my2cents. Remember one thing, requirments for ready mix position....." A heart beat" Until they change there way of thinking, i'm pretty sure i wont change mine! Sorry for getting off topic |
FunnyBoom | 06-14-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Worst case in a Schwing pop the 22 going into the deck pipe off, mix some slick pack in a bucket and pour it in. He didn't do the wrong thing, just did it the hard way. |
ShortStik | 06-14-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
rofl rookie someone did put polly down. must be nice to dump concrete on ashfault though. since it on the redimix bill, send mixer away, tear down the pump, move to washout spot, washout, and start over with new mixer. made yourself an extra 1 made 1.5hr and no concrete on the ashfault. |
putzman1975 | 06-14-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
didnt have to dump hopper.could have put water and a slick in last section of boom then raise boom up and prime out that way i done this a few times thats me .any one ever do this ?there allways a better way just think a little |
Dipstick | 06-14-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
I would also not have dumped the hopper. Lots of other way to solve the problem as long as you know them or ... Want them. Its easy to just dump your hopper and if you're sure you are not going to pay the bill why care to do it any harder way?? I know a lot of that kind of operators and its just sad for the customer I think.. If I was the RMCompany I would not pay that bill thats for sure.. |
8inchslump | 06-14-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
zuat150 your right haha I should have used my head before I made that comment but Im the first to admit Ihave made plenty of mistakes in my 2 weeks of being a operator lol When Im wrong Im wrong I do use my prime port every job and its easy to put one right into your manifold or even your reducer so let me take the scolding i deserve for being guilty as charged putting water in the tip section and lifting the boom to get the water to the deck pipe is a very good idea |
zack | 06-14-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
The chances of the ready mix company paying to clean that mess is slim to none. |
nastynick | 06-15-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
Id prolly go dump it and come back not worth risking it. I will say one time I was up really early and drove across the state 3 hours, normally put my water in the hopper at the shop but i didnt this morning. I was on the job didnt think about it backed the truck up said let me see it and I liked what i saw so just started pumping and signalled him to fill me up. It was in the boom before I remembered and got that OH F*$% feeling. No water and a 4-5inch slump and it grunted and coughed but pushed it all the way through. Man I had a great rest of the day. |
Rookie | 06-16-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
If your not rushed for a second job, by all means, fold up, and go wash. That's the easier way to still get paid and make a point to the RMC. If your tight for time, all the suggestions posted would've worked. Keeping in mind, if power lines are in question, the boom in the air scenario,might be in question. I know that's obvious, just thought to bring it up, seeing how some times the panicked operator can sometimes forget key hazards! |
Beast | 06-16-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
being he was on a schwing , it was his call, but if on a putz I always center the valve and mix my prime that way if a dumbass driver does that my prime is still in front of the concrete. |
Mr.HighRise | 06-16-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
I've had this happen a few times, since your in a schwing just pop off the 45 going to the deck pour in your prime then pump on no big deal takes two minutes stuff happens no need to make a mountain out of a mole hill |
ShortStik | 06-16-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
by no means would i have dumped me hopper on ashfault or tear down 'looking at the mud in the pic'. That being said, for all i know it may be all rock at the bottom of the hopper, or theres gold in the mud, or its another 20mins before the crew is ready. i wasnt on site and dont know what was going on. I just saying the days of dropin the hatch on ashfault and have no repercussions are done. Bad days happen and my tone heats up with the concrete, finding a way not to make shit worse cause shit happens. The Pump Gods are always watching. concords and jun-jin have the same top 45 (**dont open unless you personally have before, they dont all line up nice**) though id have gone through the trans door like rookie. clean pipes pime a long way. two spong will save the day. ***though never primed limestone*** trying to make a point to metro RMC is like expecting taxes to drop. |
PedroALL5Z | 07-11-2014 | reply profile send pm notify |
MR.HIGHRISE FOR THE WIN!!! fack i would have put a bucket of water in the boom and lifted her up until i saw your comment. 11yrs and still learning the little tricks. 45 elbow is by far the best solution yet. |