reducer troubles
pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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i recently went to pump a job and we had 475 feet of system run out. 200 feet of 2 inch and 275 feet of 2 1/2 inch. get your sledge hammers ready. we beat hoses all morning. it would not pump, the boss swore my hoses were dirty,i say it was the reducer. the same thing happened the very next day. what do you guys think ?

ruck 02-21-2009
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Why do you think that?Maybe the mix.I don't think the reducer is the problem.Just my thought.Look at the mix.


WHO?? 02-21-2009
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Is this a mix you are familiar with?? Thats where I would start as well. Another thing is how old is the reducer and the hose?? New hose and an old reducer is BAD NEWS!! the inner diameter difference is enough to make a good day go BAD!!!  those are the two things that come to mind for me!

Chubby 02-21-2009
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is the reducer end more worn then the first hose off the reducer is that where your pluging or you pluging all threw out the line? if so probably the mix or not enough slurry or maybe dry packs ?

pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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itwould not go past the reducer well mix was 4000 1% accelarater

ruck 02-21-2009
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I agree with Chubby,If it is not getting past the reducer it has to be the mix.

Chubby 02-21-2009
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mite have been to rocky of a mix or only a mix that will go through a 2.5 does it plug in the middle of the reducer or in the 2" hose

pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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middle of reducer every time


Chubby 02-21-2009
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probably to rocky of a mix for a 2" and can only go througha 2.5 if it made it all the way threw the 2.5 without pluging and then pluged in the reducer

SteelCityOE66 02-21-2009
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Look at the mix!you need a good 3500 to 4000 psi mix something nice an creamy not alot of shot gravel an if its lime stone chips at's hard pushin .

Todd 02-21-2009
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I personally would not make the same mistake two days in a row. Maybe go from 3" hose down to 2 1/2" hose and leave the hammer in the back of the truck. Are you using any primer?

Joe 02-21-2009
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Definitely sounds like the mix pump boss, and with 400ft of system mightve considered using 3" since you were having probs and use the 2.5 or 2 inch inside of pour area....

SteelCityOE66 02-21-2009
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was this all rubber hose ? An if so should have ran 4 inch & down 2 or 2.5

pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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yea that old nasty slurry 15 gallons worth 10 at the pump and 5 more in the start of the 2 inch

pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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all rubber

pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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i personally did not want to go back and try again believe me but the bossman said it was my dirty hoses

SteelCityOE66 02-21-2009
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try running more steel line .

ed 02-21-2009
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probably it is the composition of the concrete to low on sand or cement 

bigstick 02-21-2009
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I dont know if you were running a boom pump or line pump.  If I go over 100' off a boom pump I insist on a full yard of grout.  Maybe expensive, but well worth it every time.

pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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reed b50 line pump

eugene 02-21-2009
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i buy fifty foot of two inch hose to make up three 16'-8" sections. so the shop[ was so eagar to fill my order they put a couple heavier ends on the hose, well no mater which end in use if its off the two inch reducer it will plug. all the rest of the hoses are fine. 

Todd 02-21-2009
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Reed B50 is a cool pump


pumpboss28 02-21-2009
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yea theres my girl

b-alto 02-22-2009
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Nice pump! Its hard enough to pump through 2" system, so adding another 275' of 2.5"? Although it may be possible with the right mud. 2500- 5000 lb concrete only means the final crushing product. They can make it with any variable of mix. You need to get familiar with the rock sand ration, and cement and fly ash amount. Now days you have to look out for too much fly ash its a money saver for the RM plants. For me a good small rock mix has 1290 lb stone-1820lb sand 5.5 bag cement- 8 bag (I would have ordered 8 bag for this job!).

Many 02-22-2009
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There are a few things I have learned over the years.A concrete pump is a very good quality control device,it will tell you if a mix is doable or not.So a bad concrete pump is a myth that dates back to the begining of time.Another point is resistance,you can pump through say 40' of pipe with the same resistance as 10' of hose.So when pumping long distances one must plan for it.

The plant may tell you it's a great mix,but for what application? So pumping through that much rubber is somewhat like having a death wish.Hopefully a lesson learned.

pumpboss28 02-22-2009
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a lesson learned lol yea i learned but the bossman probably didnt. he says he is the master , but how come i'm always solo ??????? hmmmmmm

Many 02-22-2009
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A Jedi's strength flows from the Force.
-- Yoda

pudg2 02-22-2009
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mix design for 2 " line works every time 7 sack cementuos material pref 80% cement 20% flyash 1320 lbs sand 1200 3/8 or less gravel will go every time thru 2" but that much line i would use 1 yard 9 sack grout about milkshake wet to prime

pumpboss28 02-22-2009
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i'll look into it for sure

Chubby 02-22-2009
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thats what i was going to say if there is some clean fill sand on the job try and throw it into the load have the driver throw some water on it and the try and pump it then just another option

b-alto 02-22-2009
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Get the mix spec. sheet from the RM plant and post it. We'd love to see it.

TooTall 02-24-2009
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 The problem was/is the mix design. I have never heard of a boss blaming his own equipment for not being able to pump a mix???

 It's never the pumps fault! It's always the mix!

 Unless of course you're pumping for your boss on your boss's job?

 The next time someone tries to blame your pump or your system, Put on a 3" hose and recirculate a few yards. This will show anyone that your pump is working just like it should be?