bisley57 05-11-2008
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 I am sure that most of us have been asked by an onlooker"man,that sure looks like fun" or,"that must be like a giant nintendo"Most of the time I really don't know what to say.

Black0ut 05-11-2008
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well, you cant save game and just go home

WHO?? 05-11-2008
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Well I usually say "Yeah it's just a MILLION dollar peace of equipment with a hundred plus feet of steel hangin in the air.And people's life on the line"....Then I take off the box and say.... "WANNA PLAY??"

Mudslinger 05-11-2008
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I say"Yea,But the object is to keep the guy standing and everyone goes home at the end of the day" !!! They generally shut up then!

toper 05-11-2008
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i just smile and say sure,ok  lol


Raymond 05-11-2008
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I tell 'em it's not all sunglasses and autographs...

baddassduramax 05-11-2008
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i normally just tell them that i love my job, it fun and interesting. once in a while people will ask how everything works and you try to explain it to them briefly...then you get a confused look or a blank stare. a lot of people also ask what my truck is used for...i say concrete pumping and they say, well you can pour some for me if you want or if you have any left over i will take i am thinking to myself, you dumb@ss, its a pump not a RM truck. then just say ok and try to change the subject.

Boozehound 05-11-2008
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I just laugh and say that i told my mom that all the hours of video games would pay off.

Any Pump 05-12-2008
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for a bit of fun in public view i get the control box look up in to sky and ask as any one seen my aeroplane you  would not believe the amount of people look to the sky 

Bob 05-12-2008
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The operator gets out of the truck down the street from the pour (with the remote). The oiler drives to the job, parks & sets up. He then puts on his special hard hat with the two antennas sticking out of the top of the hard hat and stands there with his arms crossed as the boom begins to unfold and deploy.


It is best to do this with a crew you work with a lot. ;~)

38zman 05-12-2008
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Makes me laugh you get some that say to you what does this thing do I guess they cant see what is written all over the boom or the truck. I told one person it is the mobile docking platform for the blimp and that person stayed and waited and then said when is  comming

But with pumping res area`s so much you get familys with there children watching and if I get time between loads I will explain what it does. Afew weeks ago this women and her young son were watching and I had a long wait for mud I said if you have a camera take some photos so I put the remote around the little guy and she took some pictures and then left.

2 days later I was leaving the same site and get pulled over by the police..... ok what did I do The officer comes up and said to me was that you  2 days ago with a women and a young child I said.....mmmm yes why. This officer smiled and said you made my sons day and my son has not stopped talking about it. I said no ticket and he smiled and said you have get out of ticket free in the bank with

Generation 3 Pumper 05-12-2008
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I thought I was the only one that got those comments b/c I'm a younger operator. It's amazing how many people say "you must be really good at video games" and think that running the boom is all the job entails. I'll have to try some of these replies next time.

oregonfan6285 05-13-2008
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Generation 3  i know what your are saying. being a young pump operator you get alot of comments like are you old enough to run that? I just ask them how they made it up all those stairs with out there walker. or arent you a little old to be on this site.

SUPERDOFFER 05-13-2008
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the funnyest is the supper asking how works that thing???  whell jou put koffie in here and there is concreet comming out there  lol.