Remember the rules of post on this message board.
Todd 05-27-2007
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I really just wanted to make sure you guys remember the rules of post on this message board.


  1. Please do not defame, slander or user the message board to complain about a product, company or manufacturer.
  2. Please speak kindly do not use profanity.
  3. Please remember that what we say matters and we should not be posting things that would be hurtful to others.


This message board was created to help those in need, to share knowledge and to help save lives. Being a member and abusing these rules can get you banned from this site.


I had to ban a member last week because he would not stop posting hurtful messages. I hate to do it but sometimes I have no choice. This message board is not here to bag on anyone or any company. In other words if you don’t like brand XX just keep it to yourself no reason to toss your trash on this site. Let’s help each other be safe, do what is right and be more professional. I am proud to be in this industry and love seeing how we help each other let’s keep it that way. We have no reason to bash or be hurtful to anyone.


Thanks so much.

Many 05-27-2007
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Thanks Todd,this is a wonderfull site.I see alot of great questions asked here,our youth and future of an industry that few can tackle.There is so much wisdom here,we all have feelings.Thanks again for your concern.Ray-Roy

Todd 05-27-2007
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Thanks for your encouragement. Most all of the guys get it, some dont, they get kind of bitter and say i am a free speech hater but they miss the point completely. I want this message board to be a positive influence in this industry and sometimes that means we have to hold our tongs. Some guys can never open their mouth with out complaining or talking crap and those guys dont need much encouragement to get started. I can hardly wait to see the post that follow.

Anyway be safe and thanks again.



Todd 05-27-2007
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Speedy your one of a kind, I wish I new your personally, you know more than anyone I have ever met who only pumped concrete for two years. I hope you get back into pumping, this industry can use guys like you.

Oh and yes please be good speedy. I know your phone number, lol