Richard Obrien
My2cents 01-28-2010
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I for one applaud you because you are one that has hit it nearer to the head than anyone yet in your post. Yet when it comes to pricing, you did not specify enough.

Travel to and from job.

Minimum 3 hours on job at hourly rate per machine size, including set up and clean up plus extra charge for system per foot after so many feet.

Primer charge. (Mine is 30.00 for 1 bag of slick pac 2), and have gotten it for years. Beats a yard of grout you could tell them they have to have and what does that cost?

Well said Richard.

My2cents 01-28-2010
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Forgot the price per yard, sorry gents!

Joe 01-28-2010
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Too many companys discount the travel rate....It should be pump rate gate to gate.....You pay plumbers and electricians that and they dont have that type of overhead....Personally, line pump to 32m should be a 4hr minimum and 36m - 46m a 6hr minimum and 52 on up should be a 8hr min.......

B.S. 01-30-2010
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dick talks a good game but i know for a fact where his prices are at and his sales staff is the worst about the old ill do the job for 10% less speach