Riddle me this
CoastPumper 10-04-2006
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what game is afoot - orange boys were here in the pan handle a couple of weeks ago and then in miami and pompano beach all last week - is the sunshine state now going orange?

bigstick 10-04-2006
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are you talking about orange aand yellow as in p-----o? because thier plan is to open up a shop in the panhandle of florida.  there goes the price of pumping in your area.  Trust me I know this first hand

bigstick 10-04-2006
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are you talking about orange aand yellow as in p-----o? because thier plan is to open up a shop in the panhandle of florida.  there goes the price of pumping in your area.  Trust me I know this first hand

CoastPumper 10-04-2006
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nope the west coast orange - heard orange and yellow poked them with a stick and just like Pearl Harbor - they awakened a sleeping giant

Kendawg 10-04-2006
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If I see a big, mean dog and I don't want to get bit, I leave that sucker alone...... Always works for me anyways

rcv1973 10-07-2006
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There is equipment leased to several customers in the panhandle and a sizeable customer with alot of upcoming work in S. Florida.  So you never know.

Full Stream 10-09-2006
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Ive also heard rumors that "West Coast Orange" might be buying a certain small operation in the panhandle. Might get very interesting.

rcv1973 10-22-2006
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Why would Brundage-Bone be considered a West Coast Company?  Here's a history lesson, the company was founded in 1983 in Denver CO. The second office was opened in Dallas TX and then in Washinton D.C.  Although there are a lot of units based on the West Coast(it has been a very good market over the years) the company did not expand into that region until several years after being established.

Regarding further expansion; the company plans to enter into any market that is economically viable.

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