peter pumper 03-18-2007
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I am looking for a good way to shine up rims on a 2002 Schwing?

putz63 03-18-2007
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Contact Alcoa and get their 3 steap process for cleaning and keeping rims clean.  The kit comes with

     1. Cleaner

     2.  Paste polish,  which should be used with a polish wheel!

      3. Sealer that comes in a spray form.  To keep them looking good!!.    

    It takes a little work but is well worth it.

Mudslinger 03-18-2007
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Go to a welding shop and get an aluminum etcher/cleaner.Mix 50/50 with dishwashing soap(to prevent streaking by thickening) then wipe on(I like a masons sponge)and then wash off. Then polish with LIQUID polish. I find paste polish is too hard to remove. I can polish the(8) wheels on my 47m in an hour.Wear latex gloves as residue can be a bear to remove .Maintain the shine with the rest of the dishwashing soap as it rinses clean.

peter pumper 03-18-2007
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thanks for the info time to get to work.

bisley57 03-18-2007
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This site really never loads on my computer,must be stuffed with lots of "labor intensive" material.Had to post here because waiting on a different page may never happen.Yes,I am on a dial-up connection from the stone ages.With this site being so difficult to navigate I dont visit here till I am ready to disconnect.I really think that the "map" of operators-operations locals is silly,why not give the visitor a chance to choose if he or she would like to see this novel feature?OK then,since I cant get to another page,how many of you operators wear hearing protection while either driving or pumping?Really think it is a great idea.One will not feel as beat up after 12-14 hrs of continuous pumping or driving.

JohnThomas 03-18-2007
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polishing rims is not very much fun. we have a local truck wash that does a great job!! im not positive but i think they acid wash the chrome. Its worth every penny of $50 dollars!!! they also had wax everything. As far as the ear plugs, that just doesnt sound very safe to me.. i like to hear my surrounding and know whats going on. i thought about listening to my i pod while pumping but i mentioned it to the other driver and he didnt think it sounded very safe  

bisley57 03-18-2007
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I was not talking about listening to music on an ipod.Hearing protection is just that,a device to lower ambient noise,by about 25db.You must feel your machine not only through your ears but through your feet,see all with your eyes,and use your nose.With earplugs one hears noises,just at a lesser volume.I think hand signals also work much better when signaling drivers,finishers, and,or, other onlookers.By lowering outside noise,an operators other senses will be elevated to a more significant level.Try it

JohnThomas 03-18-2007
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I will def try it! I have always been very cautious of my hearing. I wear ear protection every time i go hunting and when i shoot. My father shot guns all his life w/o wearing protection and now he cant hear very well. He turn the TV up almost all the way... its very annoying

bisley57 03-19-2007
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Cool,eye on the front sight and squeeeeeeeeeeeeeze................