Ritchie Bros are selling more Concrete Pumps. Cross Concrete Pumps
Todd 08-18-2010
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These are Cross Concrete Pumps with no reserve. Cross sent me this flyer and I hope they do well. I have always loved working with Cross a very good company.


Todd 08-18-2010
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dead pumper 08-18-2010
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This does not look like good news.

Did another one bite the dust?

Todd 08-18-2010
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I did not hear anything like that. I hope not.

PegESue 08-18-2010
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Whoa, lets not get the rumor mill going to fast here Cross has made a plan to move forward in the pumping industry, no we have not bit the dust, just down sizing and preparing to move forward in this down economy. When you have multiple units of a size that are not being utilized the best plan is to sell them off to concentrate on maintenance and running a profitable business. Cross has always had pride in it's equipment and keeping it clean and on top of the maintenance so anyone interested in any of the units please contact me at our Fl office (800-432-5686). If anyone has any questions give me a call, the more we all communicate about what is happening in our industry, the more we can all make it thru this downturn. Peggy Cross Cross Enterprises Orlando, FL

Todd 08-18-2010
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Well that is good news. You guys have always been first class.

Many 08-19-2010
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We will be seeing more of this from other companies in the future.I hope you get the numbers your after on these units.

Oh how I remember those nice and flashy units of yester year.I still think Mack in Denver has some pic's on the wall.

biged 08-19-2010
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You know Cross has a site that sells used pumps in the pass before price fell they were the highest price around,I hope they know and remember what Pumpco's when for last year,and its only got worse pump prices are very low, they maybe a good company,but prices are very low get ready to take a hit,wish them the best.

dlee7729 08-20-2010
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Cross is a five star company in my book. Bill Cross took me on my fisrt pump job. Thirty years later and the company I work for now has dealt with cross for over thirty plus years.. The parts department is the best out there and they always come threw on the pump rentals when we need one. I wish only the best for cross in these trying times.