Ritchie Brothers in Fort Worth, Texas
Todd 09-30-2010
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Ritchie Brothers in Fort Worth, Texas

05 Putz 47: $162,500.00 Chile
06 Schwing 41: $132,500.00 UAE
07 Putz 38: $135,000.00 Alberta
05 Putz 36 ES: $105,000.00 Chile
06 Schwing 34: $132,500.00 On site
07 Schwing 32: $120,000.00 Texas
06 Schwing 32: $120,000.00 Quebec
05 Schwing 32: $110,000.00 UAE
02 Putz 32: $77,500.00 On site
99 Putz 32: $62,500.00 On site
05 Schwing 31 EZ: $100,000.00 Quebec
99 Schwing 28: $77,500.00 UAE
92 Schwing 42: $45,000.00 UAE
89 Schwing 42: $47,500.00 UAE

N.D.Fuccillo 10-01-2010
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Is the currency for all these pumps in U.S. dollars, or is the country listed next to the pump what currency is?

Todd 10-01-2010
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I am sure its USD.

pumpjockey 10-01-2010
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US Dollars. The country/state/province is where the bidder was from (internet bids), onsite means the bidder was there in the flesh waving his hand.

biged 10-01-2010
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What color were they without asking who formly owned them.

"MUDDY" 10-01-2010
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Probably tan truck, green boom.

N.D.Fuccillo 10-04-2010
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Are their any pictures of these trucks? Are these trucks still up for bid or available? And are all these trucks located in Fort Worth, Texas?