S-tube Hoppers
cp1 02-24-2010
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Over time the bearing housing that the shaft goes through wobbles out the hole in the hopper.  Just curious what you guys are doing to take care of this.  Has anyone found an easier way to fix than taking off the hopper welding up the hole and boring out a new one?  It's a pain in the ass, I've done that to 4 or 5 and need to do another one, just dreading it and looking for an easy way out.

PourItOut 02-24-2010
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Keep it greased before it gets that far gone


cp1 02-24-2010
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That's not the case, we always keep it greased and rebuild them when the greaser gets plugged up.  After about 200,000 yards all the hoppers with the s-tube have this happen.  Problem is the steel housing, doesn't happen to schwing because they have brass against steel - I guess it would if you let it get that bad.  Also, when I do rebuild them, I tap out a second bolt hole in the hopper so the housing is held in with 2 bolts instead of one.  I have 125,000 yards through one that I rebuilt with 2 bolts, and no problem yet.  And please, if you don't know what I'm talking about just don't respond, I know to grease the thing and rebuild it when it won't take grease, and I know to keep the quarter turn at the brain shut to limit the flow, it's not a maintenance problem, just something everyone has to (or is going to have to) deal with.

2IC 02-25-2010
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why does the greaser plug up?, never let them run dry, cleanlyness is a must. sounds like the older version bearing with the roll pins, as soon as they shear, replace them, wear and tear on the s-tube shaft is going to create the wobbles eventually. i have never seen this problem.

Drew AUS 02-25-2010
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Pull out the greaser and do it manualy ! Use thicker grease if you need to, they should never get that bad!


2IC 02-25-2010
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hey Drew, do Angelo and Alex fit auto greasers to their modules nowadays and if so what make are they.

pudg 02-25-2010
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I have never heard of this and have ran some old putzs,interesting would like to see if you have pics.

cp1 02-25-2010
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Pudg, you'd never be able to see it in a photo, the hole is off just by fractions of an inch.  About 5 years ago, one of the pumps that I had rebuilt the shaft bearing on started leaking it's water wash out the front of the hopper within a couple months of putting on the new assembly.  So I looked at it, and noticed that when I turn the pump on then off again real quickly, the entire housing wobbles a little.  So then I sprayed a hose on it, and realized that it was coming around the housing, instead of out the center.  It's nothing that you can see, but it will get bad enough that water will run out.