pudg 11-28-2007
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how many unblemished safety records do we have that frequent this website.And how many years without a losstime accident,be honest,I would like to hear about the good and the bad,none,powerlines,tipovers,accidents on the road,etc..Then tell what could have been done to avoid the accidents.Or tell how you've kept it your record clean.

hammah 11-28-2007
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i got cut off a feww years back couldnt stop it was an old truck too. totaled the car i hit something i wish didnt happen im just happy no one got hurt.

pudg 11-29-2007
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How many of us have drove equipment that wasn't roadworthy? I have.How many have pumped with a pump that shouldn't be pumped with?I have.Why did I do it?To put food on the table,bills to pay,kids to raise.But what if one of those unsafe acts which could have killed me or worse an innocent by standard would have killed me there would be no food on the table,the bills wouldn't have got paid.And my children would grow up without there father.

I know as work has slowed and with Christmas just around the corner,some of us are willing to take chances just to make a day,don't take a chance that might be your last,nothing is worse than losing a loved one during the holidays,please be safe at work and at home and to everyone that logs on to this website have a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.