Sample business plan for a concrete pumping business.?
Todd 08-21-2008
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Does anyone have view a sample business plan for a concrete pumping business.?  I have been asked this question before and i dont have one.

If anyone has one I can publish can i please have it? even if it is not in digital form, I will type it out.



Bob 08-21-2008
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Here is an easy way to make a small fortune in the concrete pumping business





pudg 08-21-2008
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invest in anything but pumps,thats the smartest plan i ever heard,just call putz they will give all you need including all the equipment you dont need,at 3 times the going rate,they will finance,repossess,and even resale your equipment,and help with your bankruptcy proceedings,just so they can refinance you some more pumps,and then start it over again

eugene 08-21-2008
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hey pudg you got that right, everyone wants my putz but stealing it and selling it for a  screaming deal it whats going on. i will be in court next month to get returned, payback.

Bob 08-21-2008
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Here is a very interesting email I just got. It is from Mr. XXXXXXXXXXX.

If he wants to claim it that is fine with me; if not then that is also OKAY.

Enjoy. ;~)


In today's  construction market you can make more money with a 19.00 Estwing from Home Depot than a concrete pump.  To build a sample business plan for a

Pump Company just put numbers behind all the following.



A sample business plan for making money using a 18.99 Estwing.

The reason a Estwing is used is for the following reasons.

1.     Once the 7% tax is paid which is 1.32, No more taxes.

2.     There is no licensing fees, toll fees, overweight fees, port fees

3.     No insurance, general liability or collision.

4.     no fuel, oil or grease

5.     No operator, dispatcher or salesmen including job checker, field sales

6.     no shop, mechanics, lunch tables, tools except the estwing

7.     no uniforms,

8.     no trash expense

9.     safety and DOT training is out the door

10.  little or no rent

11.  no need for printing and productions

12.   no need for pipe, fittings and parts,

13.  computers and GPS not needed including the personal to input

14.  maintenance hardware (no) small amount of WD-40, good to go

15.  Depreciation non -existent.

16.  consulting services and CPA to count the costs, nope

17.  Postage and delivery for all the invoices, will not need

18.  auto, truck expense for the field sales,

19.  all the lunches, salesmen and customers, no.

20.  the unexpected accident that happens more frequently than not.


Short story: you can make more money banging nails then being in the pump business, in addition all most all carpenters, foreman and supers demand and get raises yearly.


A hammer is a tool and that is all a pump is.

Bob 08-21-2008
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And make sure that your pump has the right number of hydraulic pumps, count them. ;~)

eugene 08-21-2008
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hey my trailer unit will not be paid for until next year and i need a new truck. so a couple guys on used pumps have truck mounted with my favorite brand, well iam set just wrap my balance into it and keep paying a larger amount that i do now. my trailer unit i can give to someone to practice the trade and tear it up or stump jump it and i could collect the insurance so they can raise my rates ha ha just wish i was sucsessful at the business plan but the market allways seems to win. i can still pat myself on the back for making a hundred bucks an hour and yardage, beats having a job.

pudg 08-22-2008
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I shouldnt have singled out putz all manufacturers will do the same,its not one in general they all are in the sell pumps now mode and it doesnt matter if they repo them in a few months

Bob 08-22-2008
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To single out Putz might not be fair, but it is accurate.

Bob 08-22-2008
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It does matter.

How about the guy that owns your company; what is the affect on his business? He is the same guy before all this and after all this is over, but the bank no longer sees him the same way. The strength of his company has been diminished through no fault of his own. The [supposed] equity he had in his pumps is lower today than it was a year ago. Why? Because the bankers are seeing the prices that this equipment is being sold for at auctions all over the country. His net worth is lower. Owners, like him, are going to need to pony up a higher percent of the purchase price when buying new machines. You wrote of stupidity and greed. You were not, I am sure, talking about your boss. But the guile, and short sighted hurray for me and f**k you actions of a few have had a negative effect on your boss and the entire industry. Many of us have a short memory and will quickly forget the who and the why. That is, in my opinion, Folly.


pudg 08-22-2008
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ALL MANUFACTURERS WILL SELL YOU EQUIPMENT THEY DO NOT BY ANY MEANS CARE IF YOU MAKE IT OR NOT,just as the car salesman doesnt care if you cant afford what hes selling,has these manufacturers screwed this industry,yes,and until it affects there profits they will continue to do so,CEOs tell the salesman,sale,if they do not they are unemployed,do they lose their job if you go belly up,no,do their actions of today affect them in the future,hopefully,they work on a bigger playing field than the pumpers, if its slow in the US they hit foreign countries were the economy maybe a little stronger at that time,now as hard working americans do we continue to support these irresponsible actions,I for one will not,and I am one that never forgets and when my opinion is asked I will tell.I was just told 45 minutes ago my pump value of a 06 38z putz had diminished to the point where you cannot trade it in,and to me no one manufacturer is to blame all of them are guilty,to point out just one because you have heard that story to me isnt wrong just maybe not completely informed,all the big dogs are doing it salesman like buzzards circling they come in one after another trying to sale us what we do not need and most cant afford,I have had more visits from salesman in the last year than the previous 5 combined,trying to get me to buy something that maybe the straw that breaks the camels back, not gonna happen here,and its not all there fault they can only sale what we will buy and if you say yes its yours.For me I am no rocket scientists but I will not allow me or this company to be talked into bankruptcy, there are sc----,p---- allover being repo'd so they are both guilty.And the guy that bought 14 brand new pumps come on Bob thats just plain stupid I have no sympathy for him,he thought it was easy ,lets get rich pumping concrete,lol,he should have done his homework and sure if I was putz,hell I would have let him use some old pumps till his 14 were ready,I can see him now how easy it was making money with these free pumps,cutting prices,wining and dining everyone with a slab,I could go on and on.Get you a veteran operator that knows the business,listen to what he has to say,do your work ,get a fair rate,good service,good equipment,and knowledgeable people and down here you can survive,but just because you make a little you cant just buy 10 more pumps and hope you can afford them,is the manufacturers to blame,yes,but you have got to blame some of these buyers for jumping in way over there head you cant sale ice to the eskimo if he isnt willing to buy,jusy my opinion 

Bob 08-22-2008
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I would say that you are 99.9% right.

Bob 08-22-2008
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Raymond 08-22-2008
reply profile send pm notify you could get 3 $300 hookers and have $100 left over for the price of 1 $1000 hooker...


Bob 08-23-2008
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the possibilities are endless.

TooTall 08-26-2008
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Duh! Pump concrete & Be a Dealer. Sell your wore-out crap to smaller out-fits in the "region" then sqeeze 'em, take all their work. When they're ready to go under buy em out for some silly $$$. Keep the good operators, the Phone number, Sell the pumps to the next Sqeezee.....then repeat this. Next thing you know. You can charge 450$an hr.7$pr yd. 200$travel + 25% fuel sur-charge,50$primer AND 1000$ for an off-site-clean-up. Hell yeah, why has no-one thought of this

TA-DAHH! Presto! Proven Pumping Plan! I been watch'n