Sany concrete pumps
Lazy 01-27-2009
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     We have had 9 months running a 37 meter concrete it has 200 hrs on the machine. If you have any questions contact us at

Lazy 01-27-2009
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 comercial and residential

Bob 01-27-2009
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9 months with 200 hours

What does your accountant think of your business? One job a week?

I feel for you man. 

TooTall 01-27-2009
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Lazy, How are you clearing your boom, Sucking a ball or water washing?

Have you had a chance to turn up the volume, whats the max yds. per hour?

Have you had any elecrical problems (computer)?

Lazy 01-28-2009
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  TOOtall in regards to the sany pump it sounds like you have been there  To the 200 hrs in 9 months post  there are good reasons for that and also we are an american co

Bob 01-28-2009
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I was just commiserating, not casting any aspersions. ;~)