SANY sends pump to Fukushima plant
drunkendave 03-21-2011
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drunkendave 03-21-2011
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Looks as if its aiding in the pumping of water. No crete. Hats off to the folks @ Sany!

Todd 03-22-2011
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Yep they are traing on how to use a concrete pump to pump tons of water on the fuel cells

custer 03-22-2011
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Boogity, boogity boogity! LETS GO PUMPIN BOYS! I like those lites on the rear outriggers. Hope to hell this works.

Curley 03-22-2011
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Whilst the human tragedy as a result of the tsunami is absolutely terrible and immediately on top of it the nuclear disaster at Fuishima..those poor, poor souls. On a lighter note it is great to see concrete pumps coming to the rescue. Putzmeister have obviously done it quietly and got their machines there without any big 'song and dance' but check out the BS from Sany in the link above and all their big wonders why their 72 metre has never been seen pumping concrete anywhere or more to the point flat sticked...seems like it may be just a show pony (mock up) that cant bear the weight of concrete otherwise they would be workin the hell out of it...think about it, before you belive all the spin.

Mason 03-22-2011
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But anyway, Sany does a good job;
development is the absolute principle.