Schwing 42
N.D.Fuccillo 04-27-2010
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Does a newer Schwing 42 with SX outriggers have more reach than the older style, swing out and extend outriggers? Thanks for help anyone.

Boom Inspector 04-27-2010
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The reach is the same,but the out rigger design offers better set up and you dont need an open acre of land to set up in. :) Plus the newer 42's are a lot nicer to take care of vs the older 42 models.

ezconcretepumper 04-28-2010
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Sorry to say but I think a new 42 will reach the same as an old 42. Think what he was asking if it took a football field to set up  with a new  one.

N.D.Fuccillo 04-28-2010
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I inderstand what you both are saying...thanx for the info