Wolfman 09-13-2008
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Can anyone give me any info about the Seattle area???

Wolfman 09-13-2008
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I'm looking for some info on the Union and how work is going in the area.Looking to move there in the near future.

Raymond 09-13-2008
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So you wanna be a concrete pump laborer?


Joe 09-13-2008
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Raymond Raymond Raymond lmao, there is only one real good company up here and if he doesnt like the laborers union he can go to the engineers and still work for that other company...Work up here wolfman is ok not nearly busy as we would like, if you are considering a move up here I would wait til after winter and the election. There are quite a few companys up here and if you are reliable qualified and drug free one of them is bound to hire you. On the other hand there a a few less than reputable companys as well that you should stay away from

TooTall 09-14-2008
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Hey Wolfman, There are a few companies that are Union up here. What happened was, Only a couple outfits signed the last contract proposed. The other companies held out and him-hawed around so long the 302 closed negotiations. So the "other companies" that held out joined the laborers union to keep their union jobs.

The companies that signed the proposed contract from local 302 are pretty busy considering the work thats available.

Wolfman 09-15-2008
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Raymond, i'll be a pump laborer,a concrete finisher,a rod-buster or or what-ever i need to be to put food on the table and a roof over my 9yr old daughters head.I don't work for my-self but for her.Maybe if u had some-one at home u wouldn't b so arrogant.I don't consider u a brother in this business but a scab trying to b some-body.

TooTall 09-15-2008
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Damn! The Wolfmans got Bark and Bite! 

"1st day Ray" is refer'n to his NW brothers that had to join the labor union to keep their union jobs that they were lose'n to pump companies that DID sign the 302s proposal.

Even "Laborer Pumpers" dont move their pumps with their booms unfolded (lol). I know ALL his co-workers up here, They're on the same page as you and I Wolf! (skate-boards for outrigger pads? We're still laugh'n bout that one)  

dieselman 09-15-2008
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Hey Ray, when did you get out of the union? Sneaky boy you

I think some people do not get your humor

Raymond 09-15-2008
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dieselman you are right about the humor...

That is one of the problems with email/internet/txt don't get voice fluctuation and facial expressions...


Bob 09-15-2008
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Come on!!!

I screamed at the electrician for getting blood and hair on my double 90s

and ANYONE thought it was a real post?

back to comprehension 101


TooTall 09-16-2008
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I'LL ADMIT IT! I did'nt read it all. I got as far as the skate-board pads and had to quit read'n and pull out my soap-box. That "chunk-o-hair on the 90" bit was funny as hell-did'nt read til it was too late...Hook-Line-N-Sinker Baby! Need a remote control fish'n pole? That was all for you Raymond!! 

Hope that "1st day Ray" dont stik? Lip is still sore. Thanx Ray  Pump-On Bro. TT