Second Concrete Pumping Accident in Recent Times
Todd 09-24-2010
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CDS 09-24-2010
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CDS 09-24-2010
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Many 09-24-2010
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I wished I could remember all the crazy things operators and hosemen alike used to do.With todays pressures and volums it's a miracle we don't see more of this.

bigstick 09-24-2010
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And one of thier recomendations was to cut the steel end off the tip hose...............................  NO SHIT!!!!!!!!

Dipstick 09-24-2010
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I feel bad for the guy that had his skin peeled of. He must be in severe pain :-o  

I feel bad for the rest to of course.

Matthew 09-24-2010
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Why can't ready mix drivers have a bare bones course based on concrete under pressure, and how air and water relate. We all as pump operators know what happens when a gulp of air is sucked into a material cylinder. Why can't the guys delivering the mud learn that too. Sounds to me like the pump company is covering the RM drivers ass, cause when it comes down to it, it's his fault. All the rm driver has to do on a pump job is show up, obtain correct slump, AND KEEP THE GOD DAMN HOPPER FULL!!!!!!! Why does this seem to be such a hard thing for them to do. Don't understand.

Supercharged 10-03-2010
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you could not said that any better it must be pretty hard to push a button