September Snow
Many 09-10-2008
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I'll bet that subject line got your attention. Sorry to mislead you a little bit but the snow Colorado gets Thursday and Friday will only be in mountain areas above 10,000 feet in elevation. The mountain areas along and north of I-70 will have the best shot at picking up some snow.

Time to start thinking about old man winter.

baddassduramax 09-10-2008
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many, are you from colorado? if so what part? i am thinking of coming out mountain biking in october somtime

Many 09-11-2008
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Yes,in Aurora.

Bob 09-11-2008
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I remember those cold, slushy Octobers in Summit county.

ruck 09-11-2008
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Please do not bring snow up yet.I'm still enjoying the 70 weather right now.NO SNOW YET
