Setting proportional remote values
Bob 11-06-2008
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This question comes up on a pretty regular basis.

It would be a very valuable asset to everyone if one, or several of you would write a start to finish, all steps included instruction for both the Schwing type and the Putz type systems.

We could get Todd to stash it somewhere, articles perhaps, so when it was needed a member could just click on the link and have a correct, step by step manual to guide him through the procedure.

If I was smart enough I would do it, but I am not. So how about one of you wizzards help us all out.

Thanks a lot

Bob ;~)

2IC 11-06-2008
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hahaha, you tell us bob, you know everything else, you old bugger.

sparky 11-06-2008
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being a concrete pumpmechanic for some time i have seen many many proportional set up procedures and even schwing alone have changed their set up procedures many times. Some schwing set up procedures require a fairly complex procedure that often requires a talk through a couple of times to really understand it.  a tough task to lump together, although a nice idea.

pudg 11-06-2008
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setting remotes should be left to only qualified operators or mechanics I have gotten on so many pumps where someone unqualified had messed with the remote I do think more should learn but until then leave it to the ones that know how,every op likes his set different but if they get used to the way one person sets it theyll be fine

Bob 11-06-2008
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You are probably right. Crane operators don't bitch and moan about their cranes, the 'learn' the crane.

Perhaps they could all be set and be made adjustable by only factory trained people.

sparky 11-06-2008
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bob   Schwing did this on some models with operator lokout key and a factory key you had to get from the manufacturer to get into some functions. i liked the idea.

kneerick 11-07-2008
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setting up omnex for schwing it will depend on weather you want full control or full function,bob can you get a pic of the inside of the computer for the omnex then we can go through it

bri 11-07-2008
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Setting prop valves for Putz And Concord.

1) Set up your pump on the yard.

2) Get a blow out cap on the end of a hose off of the tip and open the valve.

3) Fill your hopper up with water and pump it until water comes out of the blow out cap. Stop pumping and close valve. You are putting simulated concrete weight into the boom.

4) Turn the power off of the remote

5) Hold the plus and minus adjustment buttons on the side of the remote and then turn on the power to the remote. The power light then will begin to flash rapidly.

6) You are now ready to begin.

7) Go thru every function zeroing them out until they do not move at all using your minus button. When this is complete you are now ready to adjust EVERY function to your likings.

8) With each funtion now at zero you can set your min. for each function. barely touch the desired funtion and then slowly keep pressing the plus adjustment until the boom barely starts to move. You have now set your min movement.

9) Now with the min set you can set your max boom speed to your liking by maxing out your stick while hitting the plus button. It is a good idea to have it strectched out full of water while setting your max function speeds. Also play around with the boom in different postions to get it to your likings. Min function should all be set the same it is the max setting that ppl so very much differ on.

Well this is how you set a boom on a Putz or a Concord. If your remote does not have the adjustments on the box get a tele teach battery with the buttons on it.

bri 11-07-2008
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"setting remotes should be left to only qualified operators or mechanics I have gotten on so many pumps where someone unqualified had messed with the remote I do think more should learn but until then leave it to the ones that know how,every op likes his set different but if they get used to the way one person sets it theyll be fine "

I disagree I have been on pumps that no one in this world could run without hurting someone. The boom was so wild everytime you just touched it it would go out of control. It felt like it was my first day pumping concrete. There would be no way on this earth anyone could run some of these pumps in a decent way.

TooTall 11-07-2008
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ITS ALL in your head! Hand/eye mental adjustments are fastest and easiest. Shut-up and run it, You'll get used t IT.

bri 11-07-2008
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TT there is now way at all it was in my head man I would like anyone try to run this pump. We have operators with 30 yrs exp that will refuse to run it.....I myself being a rookie with 22yrs feel the same. but if you wanna show me cool I would like to know how to run such of a beast. Happy pumping man!

pudg 11-08-2008
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its probably because someone unqualified screwed it up by messing with it,if you know how fine if not thats probably what was wrong in the first place if the pumps unsafe or you gonna make it better if you are not qualified to set it ? doubtful

CretePumper 11-08-2008
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With this new 45Z I'm running, I,m letting the HBC remote teach me, rather than me teach the remote. Seems the factory settings ain't all that bad, just takes a little time to get used to, besides this HBC remote is a little different to set up from the other HBC's I've used, program it once then shut off and program a second time to get settings to stay, I haven't had that much time to play around with it, So it's easier for me to let the box teach me I reckon !