Shine 'em Up, Part II
Big Tobacco 04-09-2010
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Got a good start one the boom today...

Big Tobacco 04-09-2010
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Big Tobacco 04-09-2010
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I used some Mud Slide on the end of the main and it really discolored it... what do you guys think of the new color?

Big Tobacco 04-09-2010
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The "products"...

Boom Inspector 04-10-2010
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wow you made that look almost new, now that your boss has seen how well you can sparkle up a machine you will never be without work !! I see quite a few trucks in the back ground that also need some attention !! LOL Good job T,nothing says "pride" in your work than a clean machine.....

TooTall 04-12-2010
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 Damn I sure miss the days of pulling in that wash bay at 10:pm after looong day and complaining about it aallll the way to the Bank!!!

urgoindown 04-13-2010
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good to go for operation repo.

Big Tobacco 04-14-2010
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Thanks for your input...

All the best to you too brother.

Big T

urgoindown 04-18-2010
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just don't see the point of you spending all that time and your own money to clean somthin up that is obviously not going to around much longer.  sure you spent your own money, and they probably did'nt even pay you.. however, not a bad quality to be proud.  just hope its not wasted on the ignorance that runs that company.

pink panther 04-26-2010
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Good point about polishing up someone elses truck with your own money. But it is like keeping your personal truck polished up knowing that you will eventually get a new one. Plus customers like seeing nice equipment on their jobsite.