shop rules
moneybags 02-24-2013
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Just curious does your company have shop rules such as how much time you can spend cleaing on a pump and whether or not you can do it on overtime at all ? What about using the washbay for your own vehicles ?  I would be interested in any shop rules that you like or dont like. thanks 

Goose2448 02-24-2013
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Don't clean the pump at the shop or spend company time doing "pointless" things like cleaning and washing equipment.  I do it anyway because I'm proud of my pump. But other than that if your on your own time and want to work on your own truck its cool.  We have a lift now so we can do a lot more in house a lot easier. Just clear it with the mechanic  

Dont need one 02-24-2013
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 Where I'm at if you ask they dont mind as long as you don't milk it, or don't abuse it. It's also at the same rate of pay as pumping. As far as washing personal vehicle they don't mind that either as long as your not on thier time.

Ed - AJAY 02-24-2013
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Good question Mike , If a crome and lights guy drives the truck, it just stays clean!! great job Kendal. My opinion , pay em some money to wash because its (work), and you will keep the clean truck longer, than a dirty truck. Ed

Beast 02-25-2013
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I am in management and we pay 1 hour per day to wash the pump and more if needed, we allow washing of personal vehicles, use of the shop after hours or on weekends, all we ask is you clean up your mess.

N.D.Fuccillo 02-25-2013
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I get same rate all the time. I'm gauranteed 8 hrs pumping or not. I usually make sure everything mechanically on pumps is working fine. For example today I did some work on radio remotes then spent whole afternoon washing boom on my 39 meter. A clean and well maintained pump is a happy pump that will always treat u well on the job

Dipstick 02-26-2013
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Goose.. If your boss thinks washing equipment is pointless than how do his pumps look like? Please send us some pictures, must be funn Yell

Ok.. Pollishing a concretepump is something I think you do in your own time if you realy like that better than be at home but if my boss would not pay me for giving the pump a good wash from time to time I would deffenately not do it in my own time. Then you're beeing used.. 

Ne-max 02-26-2013
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I am a firm believer in power washing it at the end of the day everytime it goes out pumping.  To me thats the best walk around a guy can do.  That way if there is a issue like a bad pipe, leaky line, low tire and so fourth it can get fixed that day. As for polishing wheels and so fourth that should be done in the downtime when a job pushes back last minute or in between jobs.  Plus it feels good to have nice clean trucks cause it helps keep DOT off your back. 

Mister_Perkins 02-26-2013
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keeping a clean truck definitely helps keep the DOT away. I've been through 3-4 DOT check points and they just flag me through because the pump looks good

FunnyBoom 02-26-2013
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It definitely helps with the DOT and who doesn't like to have a little bling?

Mister_Perkins 02-26-2013
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i hate having to throw those oversize flags on the truck. Do you guys have to drive with the flashing yellow lights too ?

FunnyBoom 02-26-2013
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I am only required to run the lights in the dark hours. I am always required to have the banners front and back though. 

Many 02-27-2013
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On that subject I loved coming in at least one day on weekend to clean,a chance to do things without alot of bs.I will says this,I firmly believe in the buddy system while doing this,I like so many others have seen some wild stuff happen.

Mister_Perkins 02-27-2013
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yeah its always better to have at least two guys when working around the pump, whether its maintenance or cleaning. If anything happens to you where you are unable to call for help it could turn sour pretty quickly. Unless you have Life Alert i guess. lol

Goose2448 02-27-2013
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MY pump is still almost new looking.  But I'm the only one that cares.  The masons mixers have a hundred pounds of concrete on them in a few weeks time.  A new $2500 mixer only lasts 6-8 months.  They beat them with a hammer to clean them.  That's why they dont like the nice plastic drum type that holds so much more.  A $1000 Chop saws last a year at most.  Nothing lasts and the big boss man complains when we buy new stuff when there are like 400 of them sitting in the shop, which none work.  Same with trucks.  One with the least miles is 170K.  One has 420K and one with 410K, which has had almost no issues(Duramax).  And I do my own time, so I do get paid for clean time.  He does not know the difference.

Ne-max 02-27-2013
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Duramaxs Rock.

N.D.Fuccillo 03-01-2013
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