Should I buy a Reed or a XXXXXXXX
Bob 05-02-2006
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Duane is the best in the business!!! All info, no B.S.

Scwg42 05-03-2006
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actually fireman489, they do make fire trucks with those outriggers , well similar anywho, i had the oprotunity to run a water boom from schwing for kicks n giggles and it was basically a 52m concrete boom but it shoots water and has a piercing spear on the last extension to pierce upper level high rise windows and such in the case of a fire. Its actually a cool deal and opperates the same as any boom would. it was about a year ago and i can not remember exactly what house had it for lease but i can tell you it was in chicago. It was amazing that these have been made since i had a similar idea after the 9/11 attacks

donnie 08-29-2006
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Yes agree, Duane is good as well as ron, Martin and whole staff at REED> They are great at troubleshooting and any help they can give, also Carl Bauer here in St. Louis, MO. is very helpful. I'm sure if my employer buys another, it will be REED!