sidewalk saftey
Redman1 11-23-2008
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Can't even count the # wheelchairs, walkers, and others that this ramp helped. Don't even want to think what would happen if it wasen't there.

ShortStik 11-24-2008
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is that your ramp or the contracors?

how much hose was in the back of you z71?

bisley57 11-24-2008
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  I personelly do not like any non-essential people walking near or over pressurized concrete hose,nor do I like the idea of non-essentials walking in the line of fire of an exploding reducer.........

Nate 11-24-2008
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I agree, I would've had the sidewalk shutdown for sure.

Redman1 11-24-2008
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Ramp is contractors. This sub has 2 different ramps for this, the one shown, and a heavier duty one. Shut down a high traffic sidewalk in S.F. I wish. Costs $5000.00 to close a lane in the street per day. I don't like anyone near pressurized system anymore than the next guy. This set up was not the best, but it beats just a hose on the sidewalk.

Short stick, I was able to carry 100' of 3" and 200' of 2.5" plus that 100 gals tank in my truck, 96 short bed 1/2 ton. I've moved to a bigger rig though, much nicer fit now.

bisley57 11-24-2008
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I hope that someone deletes this entire thread so we can pretend set ups like this never happen......

Bob 11-24-2008
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Posts like this are important learning tools. Young operators wonder; "What IS the right way to do this pour?"

Is a 'half a loaf' better than none? Does this encourage pedestrians to come into even closer proximity with the pressurized system? Should the hose not directly under the 'ramp' be shielded?

This is a good post. Lots more input is needed! ;~)

ShortStik 11-25-2008
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i think the ramp is good idea for in sites.  "Walk on RAMP not HOSE" could be paint on for the dumb*$$ sub-trades. 

I see this not just as a predestrien walkin over a hose, but any non-concrete worker nrear the pump, boom or hoses.  had a kid climb on a over my boom,  people ALWAYS casualy walk/stand under the boom, resting their foot on the hoses, ...

i very much so miss working on idustrial site where we had our work space.  area of truck and boom flag out, only concrete can go in and the boom could not come out.

cranes get that much, why not pumps?

the ramp is not the solution but its something.  And something is better then nothing.

good post redman1

ShortStik 11-25-2008
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by the way, thats alot of rubber.  nice unit you have.


Nate 11-25-2008
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If, god forbid, something happened, I bet the lawsuit would be more than $5000.00.... Plus, any amount of money doesn't compare to someone getting hurt....