sign of times?
cretehead67 12-23-2008
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one hundred per hour, for any size pump.  No travel , no fuel sur.     2.00 per yard   what do you think?

typesdubs 12-23-2008
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Name and number? I'll sub out all of my work to them for not travel charges.

WHO?? 12-23-2008
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FAILURE is inevitable at those prices and detrimental to the entire industry!

cretehead67 12-23-2008
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This is a result of another company that came into our area, who tried to get our customers and all of our operators to work with them. A few costomers and a few operators left us, then came back to us. Now they are dropping the bottom out of pricing. Not to mention the fact that we live in a part of the country that is very expensive to live.             How do you keep in the game, with those kind of numbers flying around town?

Seed 12-23-2008
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WHO?? 12-23-2008
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I think I would sit down with some of my customers and explain that at those prices this company is headed down hill...How can they afford to maintain equipment at those prices and How can they afford to pay a decent operator at those prices?,Also explain that at some point in the NEAR future the equipment that they cannot afford to maintain IS GOING TO FAIL and then not only will the pump company be screwed so will the contractor when they have 10 loads of mud sitting on the job and 237 yards of concrete in a slab that calls for 350.I could be way off on this but we went through the same kind of thing here.And one of our BIGGEST customers chose the other guy but,A year later they came back and said that the switch to the other company cost them a TON of money!! And NONE of their supers were very happy that the big orange booms were not on their jobs!.. Like I said I could be WAY OFF just my thought on the subject!!

B.J. 12-23-2008
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I dont know what area you are from but how about this. No job to big or to small $400.00 will cover it all. Now guys keep in mind this is for a boom pump. Thats what I am dealing with. Anybody know what the hell to do about this PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!

Bob 12-23-2008
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Many 12-23-2008
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There's an old adage  """ I may be a whore but i'm not a cheap whore """ Stand your ground,you will win and they will lose.This is an old story that Bob and I have seen so many times.Once they find out your customers can't be bought they will either pull out completely or drop the numbers of pumps in your area.

Hang in there and support your customers

eugene 12-23-2008
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can do single trucks for $180- minumum for the ball pump and $220- for the slippy tube. second truck is worth $30- just want to give the customers the option and promote the economical ball pump service. both units do not show wear but i spend alot keeping the all the oil and filters changed.

cretehead67 12-23-2008
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Thanks alot Many, that advise is what I was looking for. We have been dealing with it fo a couple of years now. And your right, our customers are loyal. WE are still going strong after all the bull. And they have yet to call one of our customers thier own.   Ill continue to do what I do,and the rest will take care of itself. EVERYONE have a wonderful Christmas ,and enjoy your families. thanks

TooTall 12-24-2008
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Hey cretehead67, The newcomers in your area would'nt happen to be owned by foreign fellas with brand new pumps would they??? Same thing happened in my area. Super deep pockets came to town thinking they can out-last others in our "slow-times"?

 Stick to your gun$ and all your $heep will come home eventually!

schwputz 12-24-2008
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Its actually the evil empire trying to force there muscles up here. They tried the same thing in AZ. Ethics are hard to come by in this industry. I think it was better when we had a lot of mid size companies instead of large companies trying to squeeze the little guys out. i wish everybody happy holidays and be safe. Cretehead67-58m or 45m?

johnjohnjohn 12-24-2008
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there are some orange pumps out here in houston charging $3.00 a yard. FLAT RATE!! no hourly. no fuel surcharge. no travel, etc. etc. how do you compete with that?

TooTall 12-24-2008
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Yep! They're buddies with the ones up here, same pumps -same color - same story. You Cant compete with that! All you can do is be ready for when their equipment and service fails? They will blow the bottom out of pumping rates wherever they go!!!

rascal 12-24-2008
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It's not just a Christmas special it seems like anything color orange is a basement bargain at least till March.

Bob 12-24-2008
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I am not out there every day checking prices, service and overall marketing. We have no 'orange' pumps here in Hotlanta. But when I look at the training and money spent on safety; they don't look like the "evil empire"

They look like they are trying to 'train up" their employees.

schwputz 12-24-2008
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Evil meaning they go into markets and buy out the weak and then drop the price to get work. Your right they do a good job about safety only because they are so large and are self insured. And their training program has gotten better only because of all the accidents they have had. Answer me this. Is it good ethics to sell any size pump for $100 or to spread rumors about the competition to get work? They have one of the best safety programs in the nation but it takes more then that to be a good company thats respected nation wide and their not. (BAD ETHICS)

TooTall 12-25-2008
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I was talk'n about a whole different empire with waay deeper pockets. 

Bob 12-25-2008
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Just my opinion

I think that T. T. has identified the real enemy. Those other folks are not the problem.

RED not orange

pumpman3480 12-25-2008
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I've heard through a relative of one of the evil empires owners that they are in serious trouble...they have over 200 pumps sitting and that the creditors are threatening to take over the company  

TooTall 12-28-2008
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Regardless of what color their iron is (red & yellow) They will beat any price and can operate at a loss for a very long time! They have put it in writing on their proposals "Will beat any written, quoted rates by 10%"! Even the the lowest price of any "Orange" pumps or either shade of green. There's no color that can compete with pumping concrete for FREE!!!!

Any one that views todays market as an "advantage" is bad biz and will only drive rates even lower. It will damage business and revenue for the entire industry overall!!!