slick willy /prima pak or soap
Razor 07-27-2009
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hey guys is there anything I can use to prime my pump besides grout or slick willy. Has somebody come up with a idea. we dont use grout here but I use alot of the snot here

           Thanks Robert

Openhorizen 07-27-2009
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what kinda pump are you running.

Razor 07-27-2009
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I got a Schwing 32m

Many 07-27-2009
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I always used fritz pack,once you learn how to use it works great.The other thing is they carry some other products to cover your butt.

Openhorizen 07-27-2009
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Slick willy works better, just don't throw the whole pack in there. I would use half a bag on my 47 never had a problem. Sometimes used water it works too just depends on what you are used to.

Many 07-27-2009
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The reason I brought up the other products from fritz pak is there are other ways to keep one from harms way.Priming isn't the only concern for an operator,they have other stuff at your disposal.

yard whore 07-27-2009
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I never use anything but water. But I remember Slick Willie being some pretty snotty stuff.

Nebuchadnezzar 07-27-2009
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Slick Pak and Mudslide both work very well. Depends on the application.

concrete canon 07-27-2009
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for only the boom I use only water, works fine for me

mtnpumper 07-27-2009
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Bentonite, you can get it cheap from drillers, two or three hand fulls in a five gallon bucket,it will prime anything from a two inch hose to a boom.

Step Brother 07-27-2009
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Why do all the big pump operators use just water and the smaller pumps want the slime pack? Ive always wondered that

pumpjockey 07-27-2009
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Generally, pumpers that have no 'prime charge' use water to prime.  That way when they plug on prime, it's to be expected, because they didn't use a product to assist and if/when it plugs, it was expected and there is no recourse, because: "Hey, I didn't charge."

Pumpers that use a priming agent, regardless of what it is, usually charge for it, and 99 times out of 100, it's a successful thing.

If you happen to plug in the A-frame going up, if you are using a priming aid, it will usually mix with the mild separation and lube it up, if you stroke backward once or two, then go forward, usually it's as easy as that.  but if you are using only water and do the same thing, you're going to wash the slurry off the stones and jam up tighter than ever.

Cheapness and ego is the big thing.

If you lose a job over a prime charge, then there is a lot you're missing anyways.

A prime charge is a good 'profit center', even though it's not much, but if you keep track of it for a whole year, it adds up, it can keep you in work clothes for the year.  Or it can go to paying for the wash-time to keep the pump clean.  Think about that!!

pudg 07-27-2009
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all the snot packs works well, have used bentonite it works well but isnt compatible with concrete if you put it in the slab,rite now I am using a soil stabilizer called novagel about a teaspoon of this granule I have primed up to 58m boom pumps so im sure it would work on 63 also , I have used soap didnt really like it though, its all personal preference, the only one I havent tried is the mudslide products but hear they work well also.

yard whore 07-27-2009
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Easy big guy, I've only used water for years and I DO NOT PLUG ON PRIMES!!! And I run a 61m. But I'll admit the stuff does help and there is quite a profit involved with using a primer. Wish it was goin into my pocket!!

pumpjockey 07-27-2009
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you must have some sweet mixes if you haven't plugged in years with only water.  You should see some of the schrapnel I coax through my machine!   It seems the agitators wear faster than the pipe.  LOL

bigaboy 07-27-2009
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razer, mntpumper is right if your running a bunch of line,just don't pump it into the form or slab. it does not set up so well.i've primed 700ft of line with 5gal of bentonite slurry,and about 10gal of water ahead of that. i used to catch it in 2 5gal buckets and reuse it on the next job. 1bag would last me 4 or 5 months. cement powder is the best no woorry no nonsense way. mix up 2 bagsthrow it in your hopper fill your priming cap with water and away you go.if it is just your boom i only use water  even with the 55m i run.

yard whore 07-27-2009
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Where u at Pumpjockey? West coast?

toper 07-27-2009
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i run it all (well almost) and h2o works just fine,

pumpjockey 07-27-2009
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YW, I'm in Eastern Canada.

pumper chuck 07-28-2009
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down south i use grout to prime my 52,stones so course. west coast did't use anything to prime 39 or 42m just dump & pump ,but soaped sponge up with dawn dish deturgent before sucking back.west coast- peanut butter & icecream ,those were the days....

TooTall 07-28-2009
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Some good ole greasy slick & slimy mud, the kind that squishes between the toes at the bottom of the swimmin hole.  Yep, wet dirt. Pudg's got some good stuff down his way. Cheap as hell and pretty much everywhere you walk. But I only use it in a pinch.

Nothing beats Portland cement mixed to the consistancy of pancake batter, not too dry, not too wet. It's structural, it wont leave a dead spot or affect the concrete and every RM company can bring a bag of powder out on the first load. 

rusty22 07-29-2009
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Bentonite, cheap and it works. Don't get it into slab wall etc.

b-alto 07-29-2009
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I just started sucking two sponges (one hard, one soft 6") with five gallons of water in between. Water primes are a lot easier with clean pipe. Sometimes I use bentonite quick gel if I'm feeling nerves.

Justapumper 07-29-2009
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 I strictly use water here. And yes I have had it plug but, a quick stroke back and, it goes right through. I dont even have to rev it up to push it through most of the time. Im spoiled we have great mud here.

 For system I use good old mortar mix and dishwashing liquid. The soap helps slick it up more and, keeps the fines suspended in the water. I have also thrown a Fritz Pak in the first truck as well, which will lube the whole first load.

PedroALL5Z 07-31-2009
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I use water to prime a boom everytime never any problems. When i use a bigger pump i might use a bit of dish detergent in the priming cap seems to work great. Slick pack for boom primes is a waste of time and money and completely unneccesary.

mothy 08-01-2009
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strait water does the trick fill it up pump it out dont slam it out