Slow times
Bob 12-19-2007
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There is a saying in economics: "bad money drives out good"

What this means is that poor, or slighted pay forces good people to flee from a company.

We are in a slowdown, no doubt about it. It is very important for the owners to not bend to the temptation to not recognize their better employees efforts. Let those people know that they are aiding the cause. Inflation is here (I am sure no one needed me to tell them that), and the less someone makes, the sooner they feel the strain that inflation puts on the paycheck.

Bottom line is; slow or not, the better employees need to have a wage 'bump'. Not only so that they feel a valued part of the company; but just to keep up. Sometimes this is really felt at the company level, but if this employee is really part of the program he (or she) should know it come pay day.

In the long run it is money in the bank.


pudg 12-20-2007
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amen to that.

Many 01-01-2008
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Bob,with that being said it often makes one think.The companies have tools to adjust in there costs,ie surcharges.That cost is passed along in a heartbeat.What about the guy just running what he loves good or bad.He takes a beating at the pump,groercery store,tires on his car.He is taking the reduction in pay because of this,where is his surcharge?.The poor working stiff getting hammered by the guy he works for.

Bob 01-01-2008
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I try hard every day to not interject politics into this website; sometimes it can not be helped.

The problem, as I see it, is that the economic boom times were seldom, if ever, felt at the grass roots level. The entire "trickle down economics" idea is a hoax. Yes, my stock values look very good; but what does that do for a young family just starting out? Social Security is another issue. Many people do not know that after a person earns (about) $92,000.00 that there are no more SS taxes taken out of his check; why not?

We are a republic form of government. As best as I can tell; this form of government is not sustainable with out a regulated economic system. Fixing it after it is broken costs the average guy more than he can bare. The S&L scandal, the Enron disaster, stealing from social security, the Iraqi war...........................

Don't get me started!!!

Democrats are as big a bunch of criminals as the republicans. Our country is in debt to the Saudis, the Japanese, the Chinese BIG TIME.

Our country, as I knew it in the 1950s and 1960s is gone.

I am better now....... Have a safe new year Roy ;~)