Snowflex @ Liberty University, Lynchburg Virginia
PourItOut 07-10-2009
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These are a few pics of the new Snoflex at Liberty University,,  This is the 1st one built in the United States. They are very popular in England and other countries over seas.  This is a pic of the inventor  Brian Thomas

PourItOut 07-10-2009
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PourItOut 07-10-2009
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PourItOut 07-10-2009
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PourItOut 07-10-2009
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PourItOut 07-10-2009
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PourItOut 07-10-2009
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PourItOut 07-10-2009
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Pumping 2" topping lightweight thru 2.5" hose, brown colored concrete, YUK!!!

Learn more about Snowflex at

Todd 07-10-2009
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Very Cool, we need one here in Ca

Step Brother 07-10-2009
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how would you prime out long system with colored concrete? If you use grout even colored grout you would have a color change for the first yard, always wondered how to do it

murf 07-10-2009
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step brother- try usin slick pak / mudslide etc clear liquid no problem

biged 07-10-2009
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Guys I line pump a lot of colored concrete is pumps easy I prime with bentonite and put it under the plastic or our of the pour never any problem, color is iron oxzide and it works similar to flyash.

eugene 07-10-2009
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do color every week at a higher slump and it sets up faster in the pump as you go to wash out.

PourItOut 07-10-2009
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primed with grout without color, pumped the grout out the back door till the colored concrete was consistent

ProPumps 07-10-2009
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In my company we prime all our piston booms with water, so in the case above, there would'nt be any inconsistency in the colour of the concrete.

Step Brother 07-11-2009
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That is how Id do it, water, but you can still get a color variation with your water/ cement ratio for the first little bit. Never tried it with slick pack. Never had good luck with that slimey stuff anyway