some pics. from todays pour
16 CELL 03-17-2010
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575 cubic meters, two pumps (47Z and 58Z), was a great day in the sunshine!

16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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16 CELL 03-17-2010
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Todd 03-17-2010
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wow nice dunnage. great job man. Cool pics.

pumpjockey 03-17-2010
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Yeah, that is a good dunnage pad, but a fat lot of good it does on a short-rigged outrigger. Not only is that passenger side outrigger not fully swung out, (which may not be so bad) it's not fully extended. You compromised your stability over the front. Once you swung past the driver's side front outrigger, without the other front one at least fully extended, your footprint effectively gets smaller as you swing to the right. If you'd have forgotten yourself and swung too far you could very well have ended up like that Putzmeister in Hollywood

pumpjockey 03-17-2010
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Or does OSS compensate for that? Is that pump equipped with OSS? And do you trust machinery electronics? Maybe, if it's not from Toyota....

squirtsoutmud 03-17-2010
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I have to agree with pumpjockey oss or not what was the point of short rigging the front outrigger? I realize it's ok per manufacturer but everything that is made by a man can and will fail at some point. I guess this would not have been my first choice but I would like to hear why it was yours.

Mr wibau 03-18-2010
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sweet pxts mate as usual. i guess from all your pxt you have put when are you going to learn how to set up hahaha. well at least you where not pumping the little boom into the big one.

16 CELL 03-18-2010
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ah ha!... I figured this may raise some concern.... Putz 58RZ actually comes equipped with a pin to lockout the first stage of the telescoping four stage outrigger (look very closely at the pic. below) when setup using OSS, which does utilize limit switches to keep the boom slewed within and safe working range, it is fully documented in the Putzmeister manual and approved for a 180 degree working range... as for why I chose OSS rather than fully rigging the front end... if you look at the ground conditions closely you will notice a sharp elevation change right about where the fully deployed stabilizer would sit (I actually had the riggers fully deployed when first setting up and requested a machine to move the dunnage because as it was right on the edge of the embankment, wanting to obey the 1-1 rule I decided to go with the fully-approved and documented OSS setup and set the outrigger further back on stable soil. Excellent eyes and I appreciate the concern, but I think sometimes we should ask questions and hopefully learn from each other rather than jumping to conclusions and making accusations.

pumpjockey 03-18-2010
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OK, that's why I added my second post about the OSS. If it were me, I'd have re-positioned the truck further back and tighter to the C-can, so that the passenger side outrigger could at least have been fully extended, even if it could not be fully swung out to it's widest position. But at least you can refer the OH&S investigator to the manual when it's laying on it's side. LOL

hammah 03-18-2010
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Nicely said 16 cell keep it up man seeing that you already knew what was comming i bet you couldnt wait to what what some people would say lol good job again man.

pumpjockey 03-18-2010
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Come on, you baited us with those pictures!! You wanted this debate. At least you have OSS and the manufacturer's engineers on your side. But don't forget to use YOUR brain first!!

TooTall 03-18-2010
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Why short rig with all the room and the dock sized pad?

16 CELL 03-18-2010
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Too Tall, really poor ground conditions where the fully deployed passenger side outrigger would site, ground was not compacted in the far corner, I totally understand where you are coming from though. As far as those suggesting what they "would have done" enjoy the pics. for what they are, and keep in mind that there are several key elements that you cannot see in these photos (as I am sure there are in most every picture posted on this website)... Anyone of you guys running Putz's with this same outrigger setup (I believe the 58Z is one of the only ones with the locking first stage on the telescoping outrigger) but I could very well be wrong.

16 CELL 03-18-2010
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notice the three dowels towards the front of the first stage, there is a plate that is removed and and pinned over top of the two fowardmost dowels which in effect, locks out the first telescoping stage of the outrigger.

the Stig 03-18-2010
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I'm impressed on your set-up and explanation nice one


Vasa 03-18-2010
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Keep up the good work and use OSS ! Why dont use it when it cost alot ? Nice pic's !

52putz 03-18-2010
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Thanks for the pics!  Looks like fun!!

crete 03-18-2010
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Nice pics I can't wait till we get busy up here in the north.

The Cat 03-18-2010
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16 cell. Great picture's. . I run a 63 Putz which has oss and also the lock out pin you've mention'd i've been set up useing oss flat stick over the cab just like the book says and it's steady as a rock the limit switch's do the rocket science for you. If you take a look at some of my old post's you'll see some good shot's of oss in use. Well done keep them picture's coming.

Travelteck 03-18-2010
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16 Cell. Nice setup and explanation, this is what OSS is all about being SAFE on site and versatile. And I completely agree, OSS or no 1 to 1 rule on a soft slope...... No contest thats using the tool. Love the pads.

Travelteck 03-18-2010
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16cell. Can you e-mail me the pics, With your company permission I would like to use them in the school.

lawrence 03-18-2010
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Hey pumpjockey how did your foot tastes?

16 CELL 03-19-2010
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keep in mind that because the unit is equipped with sensors that will stop the boom from being slewed outside of the SAFE working range, this does not mean that the operator is to blindly swing the boom in any direction without still monitoring exactly where it is in relation to the manufacturers predetermined working range. Between the electronic safety stops and a little common sense on behalf of the operator I would almost venture to call this a redundant setup... which is more than I can say for most any other operator controlled function in concrete pumping. as a side note, it is clearly stated in the Putzmeister operating manual that you are to slew boom a full 180 degrees with OSS engaged to test that the safety stops engaged and operating properly before fully unfolding the boom and loading the outriggers... this is to be done EVERY single time the pump is setup... You are fully entitled to your opinion, I personally choose to utilize this system on a regular basis and am extremely happy with it. Thanks for you input Travelteck (Alan) I'll send you a PM regarding the photos, we would be more than happy to share them with you!

bisley57 03-19-2010
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the exhaust pipe looks different?

pudg 03-19-2010
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I am a skeptic on OSS but after reading and letting 16cell explain his routine I would say he has got it under control,I would just caution to NEVER fully rely on this feature it isnt 100% reliable anything can happen, but as was said a little common sense and attention to your surroundings and its a very good system.

pumpjockey 03-19-2010
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lawrence, I didn't put my foot in my mouth. I was the first to bring up OSS. If the unit weren't equipped with it, or it wasn't activated, or the operator wasn't familiar with the workings of OSS, then it's a recipe for disaster. Even so, electronic crap can fail, but if it does, it's supposed to fail 'safe'. Any of you lining up to buy a Toyota lately?

Vasa 03-19-2010
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Hydraulic crap , bad steel everything can fail... My old Schwing had Schwings "OSS" and it's electric switches did not failed Me under 8 year , Niklas on CP operate that pump now Ask him if he has change them . I trust My Putz with OSS to 100% !

txredman 03-20-2010
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Awesome pics! Great job handling/being ready for the safety "questions and concerns" that ALWAYS come up when a pic is posted. Very nice pics. Thanks

Niklas 03-20-2010
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the OSS system on my schwing works just fine, no problems at all