Some things never change...
Royal Concrete Pumps 02-27-2008
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pic turned out well.

did you take a second one of them washing the oil of your pump then spilling

ruck 02-28-2008
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SB, I\'ve been there before. It,s never there fault.LOL


ruck 02-28-2008
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SB, I\'ve been there before. It,s never there fault.LOL


Royal Concrete Pumps 02-28-2008
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This pic also reminds me of chunks of fin breaking off and the driver saying \"Didn\'t come out of my truck\". Followed shortly there after removing the reducer to unplug pipe,, oh the fun times when it\'s 40 below


38zman 03-01-2008
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LOL well since I have put the chain link fence over my hopper grate It happens to me every day and I explain to the mixer drivers every day that it needs a second to vibrate through and every day they over fill me I was a mixer driver before being a pump operator and I would never over fill the hopper I would keep it low enough if the pump had to suck back a stroke or 2 and I would always fish out the chunks and I would never wash off the back unless I was asked too.

Oh here is a good one if you get a rookie mixer driver throw him a roll of paper towel and tell him to dry up the concrete as it is comming down the chute... you will be surprised on how many will

WHO?? 03-01-2008
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lol nice with the paper towels,....MY favorite is get a rookie driver backed up ask him to help with some thing on the back of the pump(getting his hands oily) then say "hey i got this great hand cleaner" Then puor a little slick pack in his hands,, stand back and enjoy....then its only fair to help him get it back off,but only after watching him wrestle it for a minute.

RAM03 03-04-2008
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i run a 40 meter concord and on this particular day i was pouring 600 yds through 200 ft off system. About 100 yds into the pour i got a bad load and had to get them to wet it up. (mind you the contractor had a man backing trucks to the pump) As i came around the front of the pump i noticed an extreme amount of concrete on the ground.(pilled up so high you couldnt see the swing 90 and touching both rear outrigger pads) i estimated it about 5yds give or take. So i asked the mixer driver what was causing this and his reply was "it aint my problem". I politely said well ok and needless to say when he ran out of concrete for some reason i couldnt get my pump to stop stroking covering his new front discharge half way down the drum. i look at it like this we can work together or i can be as ignorant as the next person.








WHO?? 03-06-2008
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hehehe classic i had a related episode gettin ready to prime ou.I have 2 trucks backed up i already have my prime out water in the hopper and the contractor says"lets look at it"i tell the driver dont get any in the hopper yet "yeah yeah i know" he says so....he rolls it back and imagine that half a hopper full "put 15 gallons in"the con. says so the drum spins the otherway.OK this happens 3 times now i have a hopper full time after the 3rd  time i tell the driver "ok bud i dont care what he says when you get the mud back keep it comin i gotta get primed out" YOU GOT IT he says so he rolls it back and i say keep it comin i turn the pump on and head for the front of the pump only 3 strokes into my prime i turn around  and the guy has his drum spinning the other way puttin more water in it so i turn the pump down i dont dare shut it of and tell him better it in the hopper well after about 8 stroke he gets it goin in the hopperbut now both trucks are covered from the drum to the cab  luckily it primed out and we didnt have to take it apart so yeah they were both pretty pissed at me