block 05-22-2014
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Got a job coming up that contains 22 pounds per yard of steel fiber. I've pumped steel fiber before but this job is approx 300 yrds per pour about 30 pours and the kicker is 300 ft of system. I want to run 4 inch pipe with about 60 ft of rubber but Ive never pumped it through system before. Line dragons will b handling the hose so 5 inch is a option. Need some feed back. Thanks

Todd 05-22-2014
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SUPERDOFFER has done a bit of steel fiber work.

30something 05-22-2014
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How long are the staples?

green gold 05-22-2014
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Go 5 inch all the way or you will suffer! 

nastynick 05-22-2014
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I recently did a job that had 150ft of system and 30lbs of steel fibers per yard through 4 inch. half and half steel/rubber with no issues. 

ShortStik 05-22-2014
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5 inch all the way.

Dipstick 05-22-2014
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300 yards is much so that would tell me its the best with 4'' or 5'' but I've pumped that kind of concrete through 3'' rubber also. Even a 2,5'' endhose but only the endhose. With these amounts I would have minimum 4''..

pumpkid 05-23-2014
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Can you use the J hook pins? ir is it spec for crinkel pins?       pumped 100m3 with 180' of steel and 60' rubber all 4"   mix was 45kg per M3 of pins     If you can use the 45/50 J hook pins   easy to pump and easy on the hose

biged 05-23-2014
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I never had the chance to pump steel fiber I found a poly fiber  thats better that steel because steel will rust if the ends are at the surface of the floor.

SUPERDOFFER 05-29-2014
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Been busy on the Norway project so I respond a litle late. but in my point of vieuw 22pound is just a small amount of fibers, if the norma lconcrete go aesey through the line the fibers don't make a diverence. You only need to order grout because the prime can ruin your day. And the slump has to be higher. 

SUPERDOFFER 05-29-2014
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And by the way. Above 50 pounds I only do it with rm truckdrivers that know how to unload that stuff.