Steel Struts in Concrete
kevcon 09-22-2011
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had a customer call me today wanting us to come out to do a 200yrd Hockey rink floor, but told me that they were planning on puttin Steel Struts in the concrete, i have yet to pump this stuff, ive done fibres and nylon but thats it, anyone out there pump this stuff before or is it unpumpable??????? oh ya its gonna be in a 35mpa mix< any advice??


Trey 09-22-2011
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I hear you can pump it, I'd have them put some pump aid in it. I also hear it will tear up your hose. It's just what I heard. I haven't pumped it myself.

roadhog 09-23-2011
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 I believe its called steel fibers,there about 3in long.You can pump it around a 5in slump any less it will just pile up on the grate so you will have to have a helper with a shovel stay there the whole time to keep helping it thru.Its slow but you wont have any prob at 5 or 6 in slump.Hope this helps.

Many 09-23-2011
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Advice ? Do a test pour at the plant,better find out now than later.

Mudslinger 09-23-2011
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Definitely pumpable! Chuteman is advisable because it stacks up on the grate! I did 780 yards of it in 10 hrs with 3 moves,and had no real issues!

FunnyBoom 09-23-2011
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Its pumpable, i did a 600 yard deck pour with both steel and poly fibers and never had an issue. They are right about it stacking upon your grate too. sometimes it will come out in big balls if not mixed up well enough.

Dipstick 09-23-2011
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I had a poor with 30kg per m3 some months ago. I believe thats quite much. Had 25 meters of 3'' hose on to. Peagravel 50% reduced rock amount. It was on the edge I think but we mannaged.

A nice trick for the piling up on the grate: Let the mixer reverse so close in to the hopper that he is filling on top of your vibrator motor.. (if you have one on you grate though) it will seperate the mix more..

CLIMAX 09-23-2011
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Pumped three  barge decks 150 m3 each 3" steel fibers 3/4 agg 40 mpa 2 liters per m3 plasticiser final slump     5-6"  pumped like butter - plastciser mandatory or you will never get through your grates dont pull your grate you'll get a 7" steel ball ramed in your 5" elbow bin there done that not fun

GARCIA 09-24-2011
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max 45 kg/m3 steel fiber then come the problems!

GARCIA 09-24-2011
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beware of rusty iron, fiber stuff that formed balls

Vasa 09-24-2011
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Max 45kg/m3 ! You can't say that without know witch kind of fibre they use . Manufactuer , form of the fibre , length and if they are glued together . Are they mixed in the factory or the RM-truck ? Are they deliverd in the mixer with a "fibre blower" (dont know the english word) What kind of pump , small cylinders or big ones ? Rubber system or steel ..... I have probably forget something that matter in this question... I say 7-8" slump . But thats Me !

SUPERDOFFER 09-24-2011
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I have pumped 50KG of the boom: 35KG on 4"system, even 20KG whit 3"all 50mm.I have also pumped 35KG whit 25mm through 3". But I also had problems whit less than 20KG because of the wrong fibers our bad mix design. The main thing is you need a vibrator on your grate. And charge extra for wear. There is not that much extra wear but if you can find a way to raise your pricing you must take it whit booth hands.

Many 09-24-2011
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Again,do a test pour of a couple yards,I might mention check to see how much weight it adds to boom.There are way to many varables,it should go but I would sure want to make sure,backcharges can be costly.