Straightening a rubber hose?
Weave 12-20-2009
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We have 17' hose that needs to be straightened any ideas?

biged 12-20-2009
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I never heard of doing this or for that matter having to straighten a rubber hose maybe use a large heater.

Todd 12-20-2009
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The only way i know is to straiten out the hose and let it sit that way for a day in the sun.

Weave 12-20-2009
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I've tried laying it flat but seems to have a memory. Kind of a pain to get in column or wall. Thanks anyway.


Pump N00b 12-20-2009
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Try filling it with water and hang it up.

biged 12-20-2009
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I could be wrong but 17 foot is kinda long for a tip hose, you must have got a bad kink somewhere.

Maybe its saying time for a new one.

pumpjockey 12-20-2009
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Hot water inside, douse the outside with hot water as well.  Introduce a healthy amoun of reverse curve to it, then let it relax some but still a bit of reverse curve.  Drain the water, fill it wil cool water, douse the out side with cool.  Hopefully it will hold.

If not, perhaps it has shrunken somewhat on the inner side of the curve.  Maybe fill it with clean sand so it doesn't pack too tightly, then let it lay in the sun with a bit of reverse curve.

pudg 12-21-2009
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I have heard there is a little blue pill that takes care of that.

WHO?? 12-21-2009
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Weave 12-21-2009
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It's a fairly new hose. We use it mainly for stabbing  walls and colunms  instead of a wall pipe.

Many 12-21-2009
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An excellent opertuneity to try the mud snake.

TooTall 12-22-2009
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 A tip hose with a curl to it is dangerous! In the case of entrapped air a curled hose will "whip" side to side much worse than a strait hose.

 Keep a piece of pipe on your deck and store your 'curled' hose inside of it to keep it strait. If it's too big to fit inside of a piece of boom pipe find a big fat piece of rebar or small pipe and slide it inside of your tip hose whenever you're not using it.

 Oh and whenever you kink it off, kink it in the opposite direction of the curl.


ShortStik 12-24-2009
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WTF.  its not some what flat when u put it back on the pump?

Todd 12-24-2009
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I bet its a 21/2" hose for a line pump.