Sucking up
kneerick 10-23-2008
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how many pumps do you have ? owned by man or woman

pink panther 10-23-2008
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By the way, this has been going on for 2 months now!!!!

kneerick 10-23-2008
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were did you pump buddy come from,whats his expeince besides brown noseing

kneerick 10-23-2008
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well off to bed we just got the new puppie tonight (murphy)ill try to get some pic's posted

pink panther 10-23-2008
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kneerick,  check your mail

mytfynsunshine 10-24-2008
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Wow, this is a tough one. As a dispatcher, I have to admit it's much easier to give a job to a person who is not going to tell you 10 reasons why they don't want to do the job or can't do the job because of X, Y, and Z etc. etc. but, fair is fair and the hours should be split as evenly as possible especially in these times.  Now if an operator turns down a job and they end up 10 hours shorter than everyone else, then that is their fault, because these days you have to take it when you can get it. As for seniority, if I have 1 job on in the am for a 47 meter, the operator of that pump size that has been here the longest WILL go out first unless they have a whole lot more hours than the other 47 meter operators. As far as sucking up, that does absolutely no good here. I'd rather the operator just want to do their job like I want to do mine. Good luck with your situation, my advice is to talk to the dispatcher and tell them you would like more hours whenever you can get them.   

oregonfan6285 10-24-2008
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i am aunion operator as well but we dont have seniority. as for this guy kissing butt it just sounds to me like he does what he is told. water flows to the least resistance so if one operator gives and excuse on a friday afternoon why he cant do some job so dispatch asked this guy and he says no problem then well they know this guy wants to work. since i have started pumping i have only turned down two jobs. one cuz i was running on over 30 hours straight and the other because my grandparents were visiting and stayed an extra day cuz i said i had it off and work tried to call me in.

mytfynsunshine 10-24-2008
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It just sounds like a clash of personalities at your place, just keep telling them you want the work and go ahead and VOLUNTEER FOR SATURDAYS and call in after the first job and tell them you would LOVE ANOTHER JOB!!  If they say 150ft of 5" system say GREAT! If they say leave shop at 1:00 am say FABULOUS! If they say I got a quick one for you 2 hours away and it ends up taking ALL DAY LONG INTO THE NIGHT just smile and grin, because, you my friend, are going to start getting ALL THE HOURS. LOL

P.S. You will have a fat boy check too!

johnjohnjohn 10-24-2008
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good luck filing a grievance. i tried that once and my b.a. told me that they have no power in how the company operates their business. the only power they have is to make sure you get paid right and receive all of your benefits. as to scheduling, they have no power.
my advice to you is to do your job, never say no, keep your pump clean, make sure customers who like you call back for you, and if you have to kiss a little ass to get some work do it. it's not as bad as not paying your bills. trust me on this one, i know from experience. the economy is shit, most of us are lucky to have jobs.

Mudslinger 10-24-2008
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PINK: just remember,the difference between asskissing and brownnosing is just depth perception! Its OK to do a little smooching,just don't get too deep!

Raymond 10-24-2008
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"A lot of it is that he just has a better attitude than everyone else."


I read that and almost got a gut ache laughing...




Bob 10-24-2008
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The truth is that given the choice, any reasonable person would assign the pour to someone that would just go do it and not make an issue out of it

Ass kissing is nowhere in that area.

Just respect for the dispatcher or manager

pink panther 10-24-2008
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Talked with the owner and dispatch manager today, it is being taken care of. They say they were not aware of his hours at operator pay, they were just looking at total hours. We are allowed to do yard work all we want  $10 less than operator pay. Now they will start paying more attention to operator hours. It is pretty bad when I need to get the owner involved. Everything should be fine now, thanks for the input.

pudg 10-27-2008
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as a dispatcher and manager nothings worse than a operator that whines every time you give him a job I have actually told a couple to take the day off and done the job myself,attitude,willingness to work(without all the whining),safety,and a getr done attitude goes a long way,not saying this is your problem,now as the disp.-manager I always try to give my guys equal hours seniority does not play into it the only way one gets more than the others is if he is specifically requested by the customer other than that they all are treatd equal

pudg 10-27-2008
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and sucking up does nothing for you here except a few nicknames and being the brunt of some awful practical jokes

Vasa 10-27-2008
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How do you do if a customer wants an special operator and he has much more hours ? Some are better and some are not...

Do you give the job to the operator they asked for ?

We are trying to get our customer the operator they want...

Bob 10-27-2008
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We call those "request pours"

If an operator goes out and impresses the customer he deserves - has earned - the rest of the man's work.

The salesman sells the first pour

The operators sell the rest, one at a time ;~)

Vasa 10-27-2008
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Ok Bob , now i have learn a new word . It works the same in Sweden !

pudg 10-27-2008
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you send the operator requested,we are in the service business and service sales if the other guy would have been requested he would have got the work while the others did not,thats the way we do it , the only way we dont is if they order a different size truck than the guy they requested runs,we want pull a guy off his truck so then he has the chance to impress

Vasa 10-27-2008
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We have our "own" pumps , and if a customer wants a 32m and Me he has to pay for the 42m if he wants Me....

But if i don´t have a 42m job and the pump have space to setup I run like a 32m , but if I have to stretch out longer than a 32m I change the rate to 36m or 42m .